💚 화면 한 쪽에 영상, 한 쪽에 이 포스트
window 키 + 좌우 방향키
💚 굵은 글씨 : 익힐 구문
밑 줄 : 잘 안들리는 부분
* : 굵은 글씨 부연 설명, 사전 뜻
# : 씬 전환, 상황 전환
Dr. Cotter.
He's gonna die.
She's gonna die.
Mom's gonna die. I'm
gonna die. Everybody dies.
I don't wanna... I'm gonna...
I haven't been able
to get him to talk...
respond to me, nothing.
Just this.
Yeah. I got it.
Thanks, Dan.
She's gonna die.
Mom's gonna die.
I'm gonna die. Everyone dies.
Nobody matters.
She doesn't matter.
He doesn't matter. She doesn't
matter. Mom doesn't matter.
I don't matter.
Nothing ever matters.
I don't matter. I don't
matter. I don't matter.
He's gonna die.
She's gonna die.
He's gonna die. I'm
gonna die. Everyone dies.
Nobody matters.
She doesn't matter.
He doesn't matter. She
doesn't matter. Everyone dies.
I'm gonna die. Nobody matters.
She doesn't matter.
He doesn't matter.
Mom doesn't matter.
Nothing ever matters.
I don't matter. I don't ma...
I'm gonna... I'm gonna...
I'm gonna... I'm gonna...
She's gonna... She's gonna...
Everyone... I'm gonna...
I don't matter. I'm
gonna... I'm gonna...
Hi, Carl.
What's going on today?
I'm dying.
I don't think so.
I think you're having
another manic episode. *조증 에피소드
Don't you tell me.
You don't know.
I feel it all around
me, squeezing.
I'm scared.
Carl, I know that what you're
experiencing feels real,
but it can't hurt you.
I promise.
He's gonna die.
She's gonna die.
Mom's gonna die.
I'm gonna die.
Everyone dies. Nobody matters.
Hey, Wanda. I'm gonna put Carl Renken
into observation for a few days.
He's harmless. Just make
sure someone checks on him
every couple hours. 2, 3시간 마다
You got it. 네
Hey, Dr. Desai was
looking for you.
Thank you.
No! No! Please!
Please! You don't understand!
I can't go in there! No!
No! No! Please!
Come in.
Hey, did you send a
patient named, uh,
Sarah Marquet over to
residency yesterday? 어제 입원조치 했나?
Yes. She has a history
with drug abuse and mania, *심리 조병(躁病), 조광증
and she's been in and out of
our unit a few times.
Rose, she has no insurance.
Okay, but she needs treatment.
The board is down my throat
about paying out of pocket
for another bed in
the residency program.
Maybe the board should
try giving a shit
about the point of our
job here once in a while. 이사회도 우리 일에 관심 좀 가지라죠
I'm not questioning
your judgment.
I just need you to
come to me first
so I can get ahead of * [일 따위]를 제때 처리하다
it next time. All right?
Okay. I'm sorry.
Hey, you haven't been here since
the late shift last night, have you? 또 밤 샌 건 아니지?
Dr. Cotter.
Laura Weaver, 26.
She's a grad student. *대학원생
Police were called on her
for public disturbance. * (공공장소에서의) 소란[소동]
EMS brought her in. *EMS mergency Medical Service
Got any psych history?
Nothing on file, but the
police sent over a report
for a different incident she
was involved in last week.
And what was that one about?
A professor at her school bludgeoned *(몽둥이 같은 것으로) 패다
himself to death with a hammer.
She was interviewed
as the only witness.
A hammer?
My name is Dr. Cotter.
I'm a therapist.
Do you wanna sit down?
I know you're nervous.
That's okay.
I just wanna have a chat.
I promise this is a safe place.
Not for me.
Why do you say that?
Come on. Let's sit.
Okay. I'm gonna have to ask you a couple
of questions that might sound stupid.
What day of the week is it?
And the month?
October. I'm not crazy.
Nobody's saying that.
But I need you to understand.
I'm a PhD candidate. I'm
not some lunatic. Okay?
Let's just take a breath,
and you can just tell
me what's going on.
I'm seeing something.
Something no one else can see
except for me.
I know how insane
that sounds. I do.
But it's... This thing,
I can't explain it.
What is it you're seeing?
It looks like people,
but it's... it's not a person.
I'm not sure I understand.
It looks like people. It
looks like different people. 근데 여러 사람으로 변해
Sometimes it pretends to
be someone that I know.
Sometimes it's a random
stranger. Sometimes...
Sometimes it looks
like my grandfather
who died in front of
me when I was seven.
But it's all the
same thing. It...
It's... It's like...
It's... It's like it wears
people's faces like... like masks.
Do you see it right now, here?
What happens when you do see it?
It's smiling at me.
But not a friendly smile.
It's the worst smile I've
ever seen in my life.
And whenever I see
it, I just get this
god-awful feeling like something *지독한, 엄청난, 오싹한, 불쾌한
really terrible is gonna happen.
I've never felt scared
like I do when I see it.
Laura, have you or anyone
else in your family
ever experienced hallucinations?
It's not a hallucination,
no. It's real.
You don't get it. It
does things to me. 이해 못 하네, 나한테 이상한 짓을 한다고!
It causes shit to
happen around me.
It's taken over my whole
life and my mind and...
it tells me things. 계속 속삭여요
It told me that to...
today... Today's the...
Today's the day that
I'm... I'm gonna...
Okay. That's okay.
That's okay.
I know that what you're
experiencing feels incredibly real.
Sometimes, when we get
emotionally overwhelmed,
or experience an intense
trauma, our minds tend to...
You're not listening to me.
Oh, my God.
I'm gonna fucking die, and
no one will listen to me.
Okay. Laura, it's okay.
Oh, God.
Hey, it's okay. Laura.
Hey, c-can you
look at me, please?
It's okay.
Look at me.
Oh, my God. No!
No! It's here!
Please! Laura. It's okay.
It's just us.
Get away! Please!
There's nobody else here.
Oh, my God.
I... I have a patient
emergency in eval 2.
I need staff here now.
# title
Had Ms. Weaver ever
been a patient here before?
Would you say she was
typical of the patients you see here?
This is an emergency
psychiatric unit.
Typical is not
really a thing here.
Right. But she was
a head case, yeah? *英 비격식 머리가 이상한[제정신이 아닌] 것 같은 사람
I'm sorry, a head case?
I think we're just trying
to get your opinion
of her mental state.
She could've been suffering from
acute post-trauma psychosis. *정신병 (→psychotic)
She was
having paranoid delusions. *paranoid 편집성의, 편집증적인, 편집증 환자의 *delusion 망상
What kind of delusions?
She was convinced that some
sort of evil presence
was haunting her.
Yikes. *비격식 이키(갑자기 놀라거나 겁을 먹었을 때 내는 소리)
It's just, we're gonna have
to contact Ms. Weaver's family
and attempt to
explain what happened.
So we're looking for anything that
might make some sense of all this.
If there's anything else you can
tell us that... that might help.
Uh, before she died...
she was... smiling.
Yeah, she sounds
fucking crazy to me.
My bad. Did I scare you?
I didn't hear you
come in. Shit.
What's up?
Nothing. Sorry.
Something's wrong.
A patient died today.
My patient.
Hey, come here.
I'm sorry.
It happened right
in front of me.
It was awful.
I'm so sorry. What can I do?
This is a nice start.
Maybe we should bail *bail on (데이트 약속을) 어기다, 바람맞히다; 소문을 퍼뜨리다
on dinner tonight.
We can't.
Holly hired a sitter,
and it's just gonna be a
bigger headache if we don't go.
No way. Holly turning
into a headache?
I'm sorry,
you wanna talk about being tired?
Now that Jackson's
in the first grade,
I'm literally up at
6:00 a.m. every day
to make him breakfast
and pack him lunch.
God knows what kind of nonorganic *하느님만이 알고 있다, 아무도 모른다
garbage that cafeteria is even serving.
Then I have
to drive him to school,
barely have any time
to run my own errands.
Like, I haven't been to Pilates in
weeks. Okay, my body is so fucked.
Not true.
I have to go back
to school, pick him up,
then I have to take him to either soccer
practice, swim lessons, karate, theater...
Oh, and he just
started taking Spanish.
I mean, my weekdays
are literally impossible. 주중엔 틈이 없어
Mmm. You are coming
Saturday, right?
Uh, sorry, what's Saturday?
I'm sorry, is
that a joke? Wow.
Rose, Jackson's seventh
birthday party. Wow.
I've told you, like,
five times.
I can't. I have work.
What do you mean
work? It's Saturday.
I work Saturday.
See, this is exactly why
you have to get out
of that gross hospital
and into a private
practice... 개업하고
It is not gross.
normal-people hours.
Rose, there have to be
plenty of crazies out there
who will actually pay
you for your time.
Thank you so much
for your input, Greg. * (일사업 등을 성공시키기 위한) 조언[시간/지식 등](의 제공), 투입
That's very sweet.
I'm just saying,
why become a doctor
if you can't get
disgustingly rich? * 때로 유머 질투가 날 정도로, 지극히
You're kidding, right?
Rose loves being a doctor.
She'd do it for free.
Well, on the subject of
wasted earning potentials, *earning potential 예상 수입, 잠재 수입
we could always sell the fucking
Can we not right now?
I just I don't understand you.
It's just sitting there.
We grew up in that house.
Rose, it's a total teardown. Why
not just get the money for the land?
Can you guys just
shut the fuck up?
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
I've been looking
forward to this.
You okay?
Morning, Doc.
Hey. Yesterday, that
patient, Laura Weaver...
The police had sent a report about a
different incident that she was involved in.
Can you get that
forwarded to me?
You got it, Doc.
Also, I was supposed to have
a session with Jane Park.
Oh, yeah. She pulled out a bunch of her
hair overnight and swallowed it all.
They took her down to medicine
to have her stomach pumped. 위세척 하러 보냈어요
Uh, Rose.
What... What are you... I was
on a... I was on a call nearby,
and I just thought I would...
You know, we didn't really
get to talk yesterday,
other than the
whole... Whole thing.
And I just wanted you to know
that when the call came in,
I had no idea it
was gonna be you.
So, I'm sorry if that was weird.
It's your job. I get it.
How you been?
Joel, why are you here?
You know, like I said, I was
on a call nearby, and I just,
you know, thought I would...
come check on you.
you know After everything that happened yesterday,
that's... that's not an easy thing.
Okay. I appreciate it, but I
don't need you to check on me.
No, yeah, I mean... Sorry.
I have to get back to work.
See you around.
You do know she's
engaged, right?
I'm single.
<i>Um, look, I just wanted to say
sorry about last night, okay?</i>
<i>I shouldn't have kept
going at you like that.</i> 계속 말꼬리 잡은 거
Uh, no, I...
I should apologize.
I've been just dealing
with some stuff.
I wasn't being
very good company.
<i>Okay. If you can't make it to
your nephew's party tomorrow,</i>
<i>you could at least
get him a present.</i>
<i>If you need an idea, he's really
into electric model trains.</i>
<i>You sound weird. Are you okay?</i>
Yeah, no, I'm fine.
Hey, Carl.
How you feeling today?
She's gonna die.
I'm gonna die.
Everybody dies.
Carl, look at me.
You're going to die.
You're going to die.
You're going to die.
You're going to die.
You're going to die.
You're going to die.
You're going to die.
You're going to die.
Help! This patient is 5150!
He needs to be
Go, go, go!
No! No!
No! No! No! No!
No! No!
No! No!
He was aggressive.
Acting psychotic. 정신착란도 보였고요
*의학 (심한) 정신병 환자 (→psychosis)
Carl Renken has been in and
out of here a dozen times
and has never exhibited behavior
even remotely aggressive. 공격성 비슷한 것도 안 보였던 환자야
Do you think that I'm making
it up?
Of course not.
But yesterday, a
patient in your care
killed herself brutally
in front of you.
Is it possible,
when you presumed
that Carl Renken was
a danger to himself,
that that's what your
mind was reacting to?
I suppose I could've misinterpreted
the situation and overreacted. 상황을 오해하고 과민반응 했을 수도 있겠네요
So, here's what's gonna happen.
You're gonna take
a paid week off.
Morgan, that's
really not necessary.
You've been working
80-hour weeks for months.
I'm concerned that you
haven't been sleeping.
We can't help these patients unless we
have our own mental health in check.
And it's in the
unit's best interest
if you just take a week
and clear your head.
Just do what you gotta do
and come back focused, okay?
<i>This is First Line Security.</i>
<i>May I have your name
and the passcode?</i>
Uh, Rose Cotter.
Um, "Acapulco."
<i>Ma'am, we've detected
a door alarm.</i>
Yeah, uh, the... the back
door of my house is open.
<i>Are you alone in
the house, ma'am?</i>
<i>Are you sure?</i>
<i>Are you sure you haven't
let something inside, Rose?</i>
<i>Look behind you.</i>
<i>This is First Line Security.</i>
<i>May I have your name
and the passcode?</i>
We did a full sweep inside *(수색공격 등을 위해 어떤 지역을) 훑음
and out. It's all clear.
Um, what about the back door?
Is it possible it wasn't fully
latched last time it was closed? *마지막으로 닫았을 때 완전히 잠기지 않았을 가능성이 있습니까?
I... I don't know. Maybe.
Hey, I wouldn't worry about it.
These false alarms
happen all the time.
If anything else comes up,
you can give us a call.
Evening, sir.
Um, evening.
What happened?
So, is there a reason
you set the alarm?
I literally don't
remember doing it.
I must have just, like, set
it by accident or something.
By accident?
Sorry. Sorry.
My head has just
been in this, like,
foggy, creepy,
spacey place all day. *비격식 (흔히 마약에 취해) 멍한 (=spaced out)
And there was this weird
incident at work and then...
And then my boss is
making me take a...
Everything is
Are you sure?
No, no, I'm fine.
I was just venting. 하소연 좀 한 거야
Can you see if you
can find Mustache?
I haven't seen him
anywhere at all.
Rose, did you break
another glass?
Come on, kitty.
Please. Please.
<i>It looks like
people. It looks like different people.</i>
<i>Sometimes it pretends to
be someone that I know.</i>
<i>Sometimes it's a random
stranger. Sometimes...</i>
<i>Sometimes it looks
like my grandfather</i>
<i>who died in front of
me when I was seven.</i>
<i>- But it's all the same thing.
- It...</i>
<i>It's smiling at me, but
not a friendly smile.</i>
<i>It's the worst smile I've
ever seen in my life.</i>
<i>And whenever I see it, I just
get this god-awful feeling</i>
<i>like something really
terrible is gonna happen.</i>
<i>Oh, my God! No! No!</i>
<i>No! It's here! Please!</i>
<i>Get away! Please! No!</i>
<i>I... I have a
patient emergency in eval 2.</i>
<i>I need staff here now. Hurry.</i>
Whoa! Oh, my God!
Rose! Rose! Whoa, whoa!
What the fuck? Rose,
put the knife down!
This is a surprise.
It wasn't
so much the blood.
It was, um...
her face.
The look that she had.
How did it make you feel?
Terrified, obviously.
Well, she was my patient.
She was a disturbed young woman
you only met for ten minutes.
Yeah. I just...
I just feel like I've
gotten stuck on it.
I can't, you know,
get it out of my head.
Have you considered the
reason you feel stuck
could actually be more
about your mother's suicide?
Do you still blame yourself?
I'm really not
trying to relitigate *To dispute, debate, contest again.
that part of my life
right now. So...
What would you
like to talk about?
I was hoping that I could
get a script for Risperdal.
Ever since that...
patient, I've been, um...
seeing things
and hearing things.
I'm sure it's just a
symptom of post-trauma.
Let's avoid any self-diagnosis.
What is it you've been
seeing and hearing?
Echoes of what happened
with my patient.
You know, just fleeting moments *순식간의, 잠깐 동안의 (=brief)
of stress-induced
But when they're
happening, they feel so...
corporeal and unsettling. *형체를 가진, 물질적인
Rose, from where I'm sitting, you don't
seem delusional or disordered to me. *전문 용어 (정신적·신체적) 장애가 있는
And certainly not psychotic. 정신 이상도 아니고
It's my impression this
experience with your patient
triggered old anxieties
compounded with too much
stress, not enough sleep.
You have wounds that
have never fully healed.
And it is possible they never will
completely. That's the nature of trauma. 트라우마가 그런 거니까
But you can learn to
get control over it.
Have you been continuing
to see patients
while you've been
coping with all this?
No. I'm just taking
a short hiatus. Good. * (행동의) 중단
Good, If you want my advice,
use this time to do
something different.
Anything that will
take your mind off *(불쾌한 일을 잠시) 잊어버리다 (=distract)
the triggers that are
causing you stress.
I also think it would be helpful
if we resumed our
regular sessions again.
And what about the
Risperdal? Just... You know.
Let's talk again next week before
we consider any medication.
In the meantime, you
can always call me.
No, I asked you
for a white wine spritzer. Jesus. *스프릿츠(보통 백포도주에 소다수를 혼합한 음료)
Oh, my God. You made
Hi. Surprise.
Come on in. Come on in. Oh.
I thought you had to work?
Oh, I decided to take the
afternoon... 반차 냈어
I'll take that.
Hey, Greg. What are you doing?
I told you not to take
those out yet. Mmm, mmm.
Uh, ladies, I have to go
corral my dipshit husband. *corral (말이나 소를) 울타리 안으로 몰아넣다
Would one of you please show my
sister to the adult refreshments?
Sure. We have a stash *비격식 챙겨 둔[숨겨 둔] 양
in the kitchen. Come on.
Wait. You're that
therapist, right?
Yes, I... I am.
Oh! Fantastic. Can
I ask for advice?
So cool.
<i>Gracias,</i> Harper.
<i>Gracias,</i> Harper's mom.
Ooh, that one's from Aunt Rose.
Open it!
Rip it open!
What'd you get, sweetheart?
No. No.
Oh, my God.
No, no. Mustache.
What the hell is wrong with you?
This can't be happening.
No. No, no. No, I promise
you, this wasn't me.
It wasn't. It
wasn't me, I swear.
You have to... You guys
have to believe me, please.
Somebody please
fucking believe me.
What the fuck are you?
Leave me the fuck alone!
You see her. You
have to see her.
Please, Holly, tell me
that you see somebody.
- Oh, my God.
- Oh, God.
Hey, Rose.
I heard you were
brought into the ER.
I wanted to come down to check
on you. How're you doing?
It was just an
accident. Thank you.
Yeah. They... They said that you
had had a anxiety attack. *불안발작 (→attack)
Rose, I'll be honest with
you, I'm... I'm concerned.
And I... I mean
this as your friend,
but I really think you
should speak to someone.
Are you seeing anybody
professionally right now?
are you listening?
I need to tell you something,
and I need you to know
that I'm not crazy, okay?
Something is happening to me.
And it's gonna be really
hard for you to believe.
Maybe we should just go inside.
No, wait. Just listen
to me! Sorry. Sorry.
I'm really sorry.
Okay, um...
Something is threatening me.
Some kind of a evil
spirit, or energy.
I... I don't really
know what it is, but...
But I think that it...
It killed my patient.
Because she described experiencing
the same thing before she died.
And now it's somehow *왜 그런지 (모르겠지만), 왠지
attached itself to me.
I'm just really scared
that something bad
is going to happen.
I really need you
to say something.
What do you want me to say?
I want you to believe me.
Rose, you're talking
about a fucking ghost.
No, no, no. It's not...
It's not a ghost.
It's something else.
I'm sorry.
I can't.
I cannot fucking
do this right now.
No. Trevor.
Whoa, whoa, wait. No,
no, no. Don't walk away.
I need you...
You're not listening
to what I am saying.
Okay, Rose.
What the fuck am I supposed to
say to respond to this right now?
Do you hear yourself? I mean, *너 그거 지금 말이라고 하는 거야?
Jesus Christ. You sound crazy.
I am not crazy!
Sorry. Sorry.
But it's genetic, isn't it?
Mental illness.
You can inherit
it from a parent.
I looked it up.
Why would you look that up?
Because... I wanted to know
what I was potentially
hitching my entire life to. 내 인생이 엮일 수 있는 일이니까
*hitch (밧줄 등으로) ~을 (~에) 묶다[매다]
Is that so fucking unfair? 그게 그렇게 잘못이야?
I'm going in the house.
No, no, no. Please,
Trevor. I'm in danger!
Did you kill
Mustache? N... No!
No! That was not...
That was not me.
Then tell me, what
happened to him?
It was the thing.
Trevor, please.
Please. Please.
Please. Please.
Come here.
Please. Help me.
- Mommy made a mistake.
- No, no, no.
No, no, no.
where you're going!
Are you crazy?
Sorry. I'm sorry.
Mrs. Muñoz?
At first,
I noticed small changes in him.
Then it all happened so fast.
He was on edge. *흥분하여, 안절부절못하여, 과민하여
He would wake up in the middle
of the night, screaming.
I'd never heard
him scream before.
Then he just stopped
sleeping altogether. *완전히, 전적으로
I would catch him having these
conversations with himself.
He was seeing things.
Doing strange things
that he didn't even
seem to remember.
Then one morning he was gone.
That night, the police called
and told me he was dead.
They asked me to
identify his body.
His face.
years of marriage,
and that's what I have
left to remember him.
I'm so sorry.
Did Gabriel ever describe the
things that he was seeing?
I'll show you.
I should take it all down,
but I can't stand being in here.
This is what
Gabriel said he saw.
He kept saying it was
trying to get inside of him.
That is Gabriel's brother.
He died in an
accident 20 years ago.
Gabriel never got over it.
How long had
this been going on?
Ever since he got back from that damn
conference he would go to every year.
It was because he saw that
awful woman kill herself.
But no one reports on that.
He watched someone
die by suicide?
I assumed you knew this.
What was her name?
I don't remember.
I'd have to find it.
Did... Did he ever, um...
say why all of
this was happening?
Did he find any
explanation in all of this?
What kind of reporter are you?
Mrs. Muñoz, your
husband was not insane.
The things that he was seeing,
they're real. I've seen them.
What are you, a fucking nutcase?
Some kind
of morbid fanatic? *morbid (특히 질병·죽음에 대한 관심이) 병적인[소름끼치는]
*fanatic 못마땅함 광신도 (=extremist)
How fucking dare you?
No, please. Please.
What happened to your
husband is happening to me.
Out of my house. I want
you out of my house, now.
Just please give me the name.
Please, just give me the name!
Get the fuck out of my house!
Oh, fuck. Shit.
Come on in.
Finally got rid of
that ugly yellow couch.
So, uh, what's up?
I assume you're not
here to catch up
considering the cold *cold shoulder 쌀쌀맞게 대하다 (→cold에 나오는 give sb the cold shoulder adj.)
shoulder the other day. *the other day 일전에, 며칠 전에
I need a favor.
I need you to not ask
any questions about it.
Terrific. Yeah,
let's hear that.
Uh, so, nine days ago,
a man named Gabriel
Muñoz killed himself.
I need to know if he had been involved
in any other recent police reports.
Can you find that
out? Here, for me.
Come on. Are you serious?
This is my one day
off. Go to the station.
Joel, please?
Goddamn it.
All right, what
was his name again?
Gabriel Muñoz.
All right. I see the
report on his death.
Yeah. There's another
incident report here
from a week earlier,
from a precinct upstate. *precinct 美 (경찰) 관할구, 관할 경찰서
What was it for?
He gave a witness statement.
He was staying at a hotel where
a woman committed suicide.
Okay, um... And what
was her name? The woman?
Angela Powell.
She's a real estate agent.
What is this?
What? What is it?
It's a picture from the scene.
Let me see it.
Let me see it.
No, no.
Look, you don't wanna see
this. This is, like, evidence.
Or, just, you know, have at it. *Start doing something. Get down to it.
Holy shit.
Told you it was gross.
Okay, um...
Okay, uh, I need you to do the same
search again, but this time on her.
The woman, Angela.
Can you please tell me
what this is all about?
Joel, you said you weren't
gonna ask me any questions.
No. You said I wouldn't
ask you any questions.
Joel, I need your help.
There was a previous report
filed four days
before her death.
That's a weird coincidence.
She was also interviewed
about a suicide.
What is this? Is
that a video file?
It's, um, security
camera footage. *(특정한 사건을 담은) 장면[화면]
Put it... Put it on.
It's... It's loading.
What the fuck is this?
You know, my day
was going just fine.
Can you rewind it?
Rewind it, Joel.
Okay, stop.
Is he smiling?
Rose, who are these people?
I have to go.
Where are you going?
Rose, where are you going?
What is going on here?
I'm so confused right now.
Can you do me one more favor?
Do you have a printer?
Trevor. Trevor, you here?
Hi, Rose.
What is this? What
is she doing here?
I wanted to see
how you were doing.
I was talking to my fiancé.
I called her.
Because you've been acting
completely unhinged. *불안정한, 흐트러진, 혼란한
I... I don't...
And I... I didn't
know what else to do.
Are you
fucking kidding me?
I came to you, the person I'm
supposed to trust most in the world,
and I... I confided that *(비밀을) 털어놓다
I was scared to death.
That I needed you.
And you didn't listen
to a word I was saying.
No. Why do you think
I even called her?
All I'm trying to
do here is help you.
No! All you're trying to do is make
it so you don't have to deal with it. 직접 감당하기 싫은 거겠지!
You're fine as long as
everything is easy and agreeable, *기분 좋은, 쾌활한 (↔disagreeable)
but God forbid
anything become real,
or even a tiny bit difficult.
And... And you just...
You just think about how it's gonna fuck
up your whole little perfect life plan.
Are you serious
right now?
If that's how you feel, then
why are we even together?
Maybe I just don't know.
Why don't we all
just take a breath...
Why don't you just fucking
make yourself at home! *편하게 있어
Rose, are you actually
leaving right now?
Rose, what
are you doing here?
Is Holly here? I need to talk to her.
I don't think
that's a good idea.
Greg, let me talk to my
fucking sister. Holly!
You're gonna come and
talk to me like that?
Holly, can I talk to
you, just for one sec?
No, I don't think... Can
I please talk to you?
I don't think this is
a good idea. Honestly.
Yeah, it's fine.
It's fine. Holly.
Just go the fuck inside.
I don't... All right. Fine.
Okay, okay, okay.
How are you?
My eyes are open now. 이제 다 알겠어
I have been cursed.
Okay, uh...
Or somehow wrapped
up in a curse.
I... I got it from my patient.
She was cursed, and then when she
died, she... she transferred it to me.
And now I'm being threatened
by this... this entity.
By an entity?
No, no.
It... It's what killed Mustache.
It was at the party yesterday,
but you couldn't see it.
Nobody else can see
it, except for me.
Jesus Christ.
No, look, Holly,
I know it's so hard to believe,
and it was difficult for me
to believe it at first either.
But look... look at this. Look.
Oh, my God. Rose. Why the
fuck do you have that?
Because this has
happened to other people.
And they're all dead.
And I... Holly,
I'm gonna be next!
Rose, curses are not real.
Okay? You are having
some sort of a...
A breakdown. 신경쇠약 이야
What? No, no. Holly.
You're not hearing me.
You are not hearing me.
This is exactly what
happened to Mom.
You sound just like her.
How the fuck would
you know that? 언니가 어떻게 알아?
I'm sorry, what?
You were never around
when Mom got bad.
Where the fuck were
you when she died?
You have no idea what
you're talking about.
Okay? Because I was older, I
got the worst of Mom's insanity.
I had to fucking
leave the house.
That was the only way
I... I could survive.
And I'm... I'm sorry
that I left you alone and that
you had to be the one to find her.
I know that that
fucked you up, and...
And I know that that's not fair.
I wish I could do
something about it,
but, Rose, I have tried so
hard to move on with my life,
to leave all of that
shit behind me, okay?
You, it's like you can't accept the fact
that Mom lost her mind and
fucking killed herself.
And you let it define
your entire life,
and you punish me
because I don't want to.
Well, I'm sorry that I'm
actually trying to help people
instead of being some fucking
stay-at-home PTA housewife,
who lives in her own
self-centered, smug little bubble! *smug 못마땅함 의기양양한, 우쭐해 하는 (=complacent)
Okay. I don't know
why I said that.
You know what, I'm... I'm not doing
this. I'm not doing this with you. 더는 너 상대 안 할래
You've completely
traumatized Jackson, okay?
I can't have you around
when you're like this.
Fuck! Fuck!
Why didn't you tell me
about your patient's
connection to the others?
<i>After you left, I kept digging.</i>
These cases?
This same pattern.
It goes back further.
So far, I've found 20 cases
involving 19 suicide victims
with a direct line linking them all together.
And the things these people
are doing to themselves, Rose.
<i>Holy shit.</i>
Wait, you said, um, 20
cases, but only 19 suicides.
One of the cases
mixes up the pattern.
Some accountant, Robert Talley.
<i>His business partner commits
suicide right in front of him,</i>
and four days later, Talley goes
and fucking murders a woman
he's never met before,
completely out of the blue.
But get this, a week later, 근데 들어봐 그 1주일 후에
the key eyewitness to the murder
also commits suicide.
Pattern resumes. *resume 재개하다[되다], 다시 시작하다[되다]
<i>So, he's alive?</i>
He's sitting in
holding in Altoona. 구치소에 있어
Joel, I gotta talk to him.
I'm gonna need you
to say something.
Yeah, I... I will.
Just... Just...
Give me a second.
I mean, Jesus...
I thought you were gonna say
this was some kind of, like,
crazy suicide cult, *(기성 종교가 아닌 종교의) 광신적[사이비] 종교 집단
or blackmail scheme.
I mean, this? This is...
This? This is...
Hey, Joel.
Let's just put aside *(보통 감정·의견 차이 등을) 무시하다[제쳐놓다] (=disregard)
the possibility
that some sort of evil,
extraordinary force
could even exist.
What you're saying
is that this thing
is jumping around
from person to person,
and it is causing them
to kill themselves?
Okay, but maybe
it's not suicide.
What do you mean?
Okay. So, my patient,
she was terrified,
but she was not suicidal. 자살 징후는 없었어 * 자살을 하고 싶어 하는, 자살 충동을 느끼는
And then at... at the end,
everything about her changed.
It was like the person I had
been talking to was gone. 방금까지 있던 사람은 사라지고
And something else
had taken over.
So, it's
kind of like the guy...
on the security
camera footage?
Yes. Yes.
Exactly like that.
Oh, my God. What the fuck?
In the cases that
you found, um...
how long was it between
each victim's death?
None of them survived
longer than a week.
Some of them didn't even
make it past four days.
Today was my fourth day.
Whatever happened
to those people,
it's not gonna happen to you.
I promise.
<i>Transfer guard to gate three.</i>
<i>Transfer guard to gate three.</i>
Thank you.
Give them
a buzz through.
They're clear.
I owe you
one for this, Doug.
You're just lucky
that he fired every lawyer
he was assigned.
You do know what
this guy did, right?
Well, Dr. Cotter's building
a psychological profile
on a similar case for us.
Oh. Well, Talley's a
whole box of fruit loops. 완전 미친놈이야 *fruit loops (pejorative,slang) Crazy; deranged; fruity
So, good luck.
Look, you only got ten
minutes with him, okay?
It's the best I could do
without a court order.
Well, I appreciate it.
Mr. Talley, my name
is Dr. Rose Cotter,
and, um, I was hoping
you'd be willing to
answer some questions about...
I'm done answering
questions. I confessed.
I actually don't care about
what you were accused of.
What I need to know is what you
experienced in the days leading up to it.
I have a patient, a young woman.
Four days ago,
a man killed himself
right in front of her.
And ever since then, she has
been seeing something.
Something that pretends
to be other people.
The man that she
saw kill himself,
he claimed that he was
seeing the exact same thing.
What the fuck do you
want from me, huh?
What is it?
I don't know.
I don't know.
Why is it that everybody else
who's seen it is dead
and you're alive?
Why? Please.
Mr. Talley, you
can help her. Okay?
Make the cop leave.
Not gonna happen, pal.
Make him leave, and I'll
tell you what I know.
Joel, please.
I'll be outside, all right?
I tried to research anything and
everything I could about this thing.
There's been other
chains in the past.
Found one that was in
Brazil a few years ago.
A man there escaped that chain
by killing his neighbor and
passing it to his neighbor's wife.
Your patient is going to die
unless she kills someone.
That's the only way
you can get rid of it.
The only way.
She has to make sure there's
a witness for it to pass to,
'cause this thing
needs trauma to spread.
That's what gives
it power. Trauma.
Your patient has
to make it count. 제대로 죽여야 해요 *make it count 승부를 내다, 결정 짓다
Tell her to use
some kind of weapon.
Make the biggest mess she can...
I can't kill someone!
You have it?
No, no, no. Why the
fuck did you come here?
You're not giving it back to me.
Get out of here!
I'm sorry.
Get out of here!
Get her away from me!
Get her away from me!
Get her away from me!
Get her away from me!
Hey! Wait.
What happened in
What'd he say?
He's out of his
fucking mind, Joel.
Ah, fuck.
What are you doing here?
I apologize if you felt
ambushed yesterday. *ambush 매복했다가 습격하다
That was the wrong approach.
I'm sorry.
I think you should go.
We both know I have a responsibility
to notify the authorities
if you're a danger to
yourself or others.
I need you to help convince
me you're not a danger. 그렇지 않단 걸 납득시켜줘요
Trevor mentioned there
had been talk of ghosts.
I never used the
word "ghosts."
Evil beings, then. Paranormal. *과학으로는 설명할 수 없는, 초자연적인, 불가사의한 (=supernatural)
I admitted to him that I was seeing
things, the same thing that I told you.
That's not happening
anymore. Okay?
It was stress and lack of sleep.
I confided in him, and that
was obviously a mistake.
But that's it. 그게 다 예요
Okay? Are we good? 됐죠?
How are you feeling today?
Let me think, um...
I'm pretty sure my
fiancé thinks I'm crazy.
My sister has just
totally shut me out. 언니 한테는 완전히 의절 당했고
*shut out 못 들어 오게 하다; 가로막다; 영패시키다, 완봉승을 거두다.
And now
my former therapist
is making unannounced
house calls *make a house call (의사가) 왕진을 하다, (판매원이) 가정을 방문하다
to ensure that I
am not a danger.
So, other than that, *그거 말고는
I'm really good.
Should you get that?
<i>Rose, it's Madeline.</i>
<i>I've been trying your
mobile all morning.</i>
<i>I'm very concerned about how
we left things yesterday.</i>
<i>Rose? Are you there?</i>
No. No.
Almost time, Rose.
What the fuck are you?
Ple... Please.
No, no.
No. No, no.
Hey, Dr. Cotter.
Aren't you supposed
to be on leave?
Just grabbing something
from my office.
Carl. Hi.
No. No.
It's okay.
No, no, no.
It's okay.
Oh, God.
No, no. Oh, no, no, no.
Shh. Shh. Just calm
No! No, no!
No! No!
Shh! Shut the fuck up.
Just calm down, okay? Okay.
What are you doing here?
I don't know.
Rose, you can't be
around patients.
Rose, what are you doing here?
I don't... I don't know.
I don't know why. I, uh...
Why don't we go inside
together and we can just talk?
No! It's...
It's not safe.
Rose, I don't think you
should be alone right now.
I need... I need to be alone.
I need to be... I
need to be alone.
I'm sorry. I'm
sorry. I have to go.
Listen, Rose, I don't think you
should go anywhere, okay?
You just relax, I'm gonna
make a phone call, all right?
Rose. Rose, don't go anywhere.
Wait. Rose, please.
Please don't go anywhere,
okay? Just hang...
Rose. Rose, wait! Rose!
<i>Rose, I saw a
police APB go out for you</i> * 美 전국 지명 수배(all-points bulletin)
<i>that says you're dangerous.
What the fuck happened?</i>
I know what I need to do.
This thing, it needs all of its victims
to pass it on in order to survive,
but if there's no one else
around, it has no way to pass.
As long as I'm alone,
I can deprive it of what it needs. *<권리 등의 행사를> 허용치 않다, 주지 않다 ((of))
<i>That doesn't make any sense.</i>
<i>Your plan is just to
avoid people forever?</i>
I am not gonna
keep running, okay? 도망만 다니지 않을 거야
I've got to face it.
<i>Okay, Rose, I'm coming to
you. Just tell me where...</i>
Help me, please.
Mommy made a mistake.
Get the phone.
Call for help.
It's okay, baby.
Come here.
I am so sorry.
I... I haven't been a good mom.
I want to be. I
really try to be.
But sometimes everything
is just too much. 가끔 모든 게 너무 버거워
There is something
terrible inside of me.
I hate myself.
Stop. Stop. Stop.
Are you ashamed of me?
Then why did you let me die?
Why didn't you save me?
It's not my fault.
You could have called
for help.
Stop. Stop it.
But you didn't.
Stop it.
You wished that I would die.
Because I was afraid of you!
I was ten years old
and you were a monster.
And I know that it's not
fair. You... You needed help.
But I couldn't.
And I have carried that guilt *n. guilt, adj. guilty
for my entire life.
And I... I have to let it go.
I ha... I have to let it go.
This is not real.
But Rose,
your mind makes it real.
What are you?
Why are you doing this to me?
Because your mind...
is so inviting. *유혹[매력]적인, 솔깃한 (=attractive)
You can't escape
your mind, Rose.
It's my mind.
You can't escape it either.
Holy shit.
Are you okay?
Can I just come in for
a sec?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Where have you been?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry for dragging you
into my whole fucked-up mess.
For most of my life,
I've been afraid of letting
people get too close,
because I was afraid of...
what they might see
if they really looked.
And so I... I put walls up, and
I kept people at a distance. *at a distance 좀 떨어져서
And then...
I met you,
and I could feel those
walls coming down.
And it scared the
shit out of me.
And so...
I was selfish, and that
was not fair to you.
And I am so, so sorry.
And I'm... I'm being selfish
again by even asking,
but do you think that...
That I could stay
here and just...
just sleep?
Could you...
stay with me while I sleep?
Yeah, of course
I'll stay with you.
I'll stay with you forever.
No, no, no, no.
No, no.
No, no, no!
Rose, open the door!
Open the door.
Fuck. Uh...
Hold on. I'm coming!
출처 :
영상 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=El_VKB8IVJY
자막 https://english-subtitles.org/205581-smile.html
Smile subtitles - English-subtitles.org
Smile Smile.2022.1080p.WEBRip.x264-RARBG_HI size 54.7 kb | SRT subtitles | English subtitles (16-11-2022) Ratings: 6.7 | Runtime: 115 min Genre: Horror / Mystery / Thriller Year: 2022 Starring: Sosie Bacon / Kyle Gallner / Jessie T. Usher / Robin Weige