in conjunction with
post-purchase deliveries
prominent * 눈에 잘 띄는, 두드러진, 현저한 (=noticeable) / 중요한, 유명한
leave an imprint of
distractions increase the likelihood of making mistakes and missing important details
juggle multiple tasks * (정보·수치·돈 등을) 최대한 효율적으로 조직하다
work on something in which I have substantial experience
instills confidence
contributes to their self-assuredness
in today's business landscape
essential to leverage these technologies
provide practical exposure to the work
highly beneficial for securing a job
considering all of these reasons
First and foremost
hit or miss *되든 안 되든, 운에 맡기고
I'll admit to a certain degree of bias.
thought a lot of
What's the damage? * 돈이 얼마나 든 거야?
speaking of which
incidentals. * 부수적인 일[것]
I'll catch you later.
I'm proud for not losing my cool.
I can't prove it, mind you, *뭐랄까[그러니까](자기가 방금 한 말에 대해 특히 어감을 부드럽게 할 내용을 덧붙일 때 씀)
looking forward to what comes next
Meeting is off.
Something came up.
work for
It's difficult if the time changes every time
cramming = Binge studying = Last-minute prep = Intensive review
"Buzzword"는 일반적으로 어떤 주제나 특정한 분야에서 잠시 동안 인기를 끌거나 화제가 되는 단어나 표현
"Trendy phrase"는 현재 유행하는 표현이나 구어적인 표현
"signature humor"이나 "distinctive comedic expression"과 같이 사용하여 특정 개그맨의 독특한 유머
caffeine content in a 190 ml serving of
I'm not referring to coffee but caffeine.
the labels lack information on
content vs. amount : "content" is a bit more precise when discussing the specific substance (caffeine)
content : Specifically refers to the substance or elements within something, often used when discussing the composition or ingredients.
carry the exact meaning in this context
for the day of 당일의
"burn"은 일반적으로 열에 의한 상처를 일반적으로 포괄적으로 나타내는 용어이며, "scalding"은 주로 뜨거운 액체에 의한 화상을 특별히 지칭하는 용어
false charge, be falsely charged (with)
slander, (informal) setup 모함
condolence 애도, 조의
recessive 열성의 <-> dominant 우성의
You're too classy for that!
my sophisticated friend!
Stay posh.
You're a refined *** with impeccable taste
If I remember correctly
come to mind