🧡 화면 한쪽에 영상, 한 쪽에 이 포스트
window 키 + 좌우 방향키
🧡 굵은 글씨 : 익힐 구문
밑 줄 : 잘 안들리는 부분
* : 굵은 글씨 부연 설명, 사전 뜻
# : 씬 전환, 상황 전환
You know what it is.
You were supposed to.
You were supposed to!
It's on.
Can I have that for when they come?
This is not your lot.
You will stay inside, young Henry,
with the others till it's done.
But I need to help. I need to fight.
No. You do not.
You need to stay inside
and guard this place.
You will live and help
others do the same.
You know I can help.
Henry, if you go out there
during the attack, you'll die.
Protect them.
Not there. Those go in the corner.
What'd you say your specialty was?
I was a second year EM resident at...
So you have never performed surgery.
Three times.
No, but I can figure it out.
Are you even strong
enough to hold someone down
who hasn't been anesthetized?
I can figure it out.
Can you shoot a gun?
More importantly, can you shoot a gun
while you're holding someone down?
I'm pretty sure I know enough to...
'Cause it sounds to me like you
don't know enough of anything.
And in my experience,
people who don't know enough
are more dangerous than
people who don't know shit.
There's a lot I haven't
done, I know that,
but from my first day at the hospital
to this moment right now,
all I've done are
things I've never done.
There are people coming,
right now, to hurt this place,
and I'm standing here ready to help.
So stop asking me what I've done
and start telling me what to do
besides where to put the damn blankets.
I like you.
Get ready.
Here we go.
# The Walking Dead
Here I was hoping to give that gate
a big ol' wet, sloppy kiss, * (애정 표현 등이) 질펀한[몹시 감상적인]
and there she goes, playing hard to get.
Arat, Gary,
remove these offending
articles from the road. *(특히 세트로 된 물건의 개별) 물품[물건] (=item)
The sun is down.
I'm tired of waiting.
Negan. I want to talk to Negan.
Well, hello there.
You are speaking to Negan,
but my birth certificate says "Simon."
With whom do I have the
distinct displeasure of speaking?
Maggie Rhee.
The Widow.
Well, then.
Hello again, Widow Rhee,
and allow me to offer my condolences.
For what's happened and
what's about to happen.
In case it's not already
plain as Hilltop potatoes,
yours truly is speaking
on behalf of Negan this go 'round.
And I assure you that the man himself
personally received your care
package next day delivery.
I noticed it was the box
that I gave you in good faith...
Trick's on me.
But the bill's come due,
and you and your people
are gonna have to pay.
Quite dearly, I'm afraid. *dearly 비싼 대가[희생/비용]를 치르고
Your 38 people are alive and breathing.
Turn around and leave us
be, and they stay that way.
But if you don't, I have 38 bullets
that I will personally fire into all 38.
It's too nice a night to spend it
dyin' slow, don't you think, Simon?
How's this gonna go?
Well, Maggie Rhee,
this is highly regrettable,
but the way I see it,
the Saviors you're
in possession of there
are damaged goods.
You know, they've got
themselves into their own pickle,
and this organization
prizes those who, "A,"
avoid capture
and, "B," figure out their own shit
when said outcome eventuates.
Which, in the end, is my
way of saying screw them.
Did you really think that
cockamamie play would work? * 터무니없는
It will.
Alright, people.
Let's get this party started.
And though we do not
come bearing munitions,
remember... The plan has changed.
Our goal is not merely
infection... it is conclusion.
We are doing away with these people. * ~를 죽이다
All of 'em.
This isn't what he'd want.
You know that, right?
He could still be out there.
You sure you wanna face
that with him if he shows?
Better to beg forgiveness
than ask permission, D.
Future problems.
Go! Through the gate before
the assholes close it!
Boys in back, light 'em up!
Take the prisoners to my office.
Hold 'em there 'til it's done.
Let's go.
Go. Inside! Get inside!
I can help you defend this place.
I want to.
Please, Maggie.
You think I got a reason
to be loyal to these people?
Maggie... you coming?
Where the hell is he?
Lookouts, fall back!
Front line, give 'em cover!
Long time, no see.
It's okay. I'm here.
I'll take out sunshine
around the corner.
Unless you want her, D.
Well, how 'bout the next one, then?
I'm gonna need a group effort here.
I'll stay with him.
Hey. Hey, hey. Hey.
Daryl, it's time.
Maggie gave the signal. We gotta go.
I can't see shit.
These people have run before.
Arat, take a team around back.
I want the place surrounded.
Gary, your group goes for the trailers.
Slow and quiet, capiche?
The rest of us?
The rest of us are making a house call.
Well, if anybody's home...
it's time to do some
proper slaughtering.
God damn it, no!
Back to the trucks! Go! Go! Go!
Move! Move!
Keep moving!
Just stay down.
You know what it is.
You know what it is!
I wanted them dead.
All of them.
Negan most of all.
Me too.
Did you see him?
He wasn't here.
I saw him out there.
I broke away and tried to kill him.
I didn't, but I tried.
Thank you.
We don't have the resources
to fight off another attack.
Be ready to go.
Hey. You shouldn't be out here.
Oh, it's just... It's just a scratch.
I can help.
What if it wasn't?
Then it'd be my own damn fault.
He's back with them because of me.
No, he's back with 'em
'cause that's who he is.
We... We got lucky.
Finding Maggie... Rick.
It could've been different.
It was, for me, when I
was with the Governor.
Yeah, but you weren't one of 'em.
But I was with them.
Your brother, too.
My brother?
My brother ran the
wrong way his whole life.
If he were here, if I
stuck with him when he left,
we'd be with the Saviors, too,
or some other group just like 'em.
But I'd have figured out who
they were just like you did.
Maybe that's what happened to Dwight.
Is that before or after
he killed your girl?
Or is that all square now?
It is.
Look, I might hate him
forever, but he saved my life.
No, he tried to kill you last night.
When we were in the woods,
when we were coming here,
I saw him try and help us win.
Yeah. I saw what I saw, too.
Saved you this turnip.
Yeah. I'm okay.
Maggie turned off the
generators to save on gas.
The kids are gonna
need air in this heat.
Can I take a look at that cut?
I have some stuff to clean it.
Let me get this done first.
I saw him at the back of the convoy.
That's why I did it.
I had to try.
I had to.
We can get you outside
the gates... with a guard.
So you can bury your people.
They're not mine.
But I'm glad you see them that way.
As people.
What is it?
Just... you're a good leader.
I knew it before, but last night...
You saved the gates.
You saved the community.
You saved lives.
Because they sacrificed theirs.
I only saved the prisoners
'cause Negan is still in play.
Which means they could be.
I sent Negan that body in
the box to make him mad.
To lure him here.
'Cause I wanted my husband's... grave
to be the last thing he saw.
Even if it came at a cost.
I don't know if that
makes me a good leader.
I do know that the only regret I have
is that Negan is not
in that pile of bodies.
You had me worried.
if I'd known getting stabbed
would get your attention,
I would've done it a lot sooner.
I'm sorry for how I left.
What I did to you.
I don't need an apology.
You don't owe me anything.
But, uh, I guess I
have been wondering why.
Was any of it real?
I didn't want it to be real.
I was pretending.
Well, don't go easy on me here.
I was trying to live a life.
Then we found out that we
hadn't gotten rid of the Saviors.
And that there would be
more fighting and more dying.
And I couldn't.
And it was right about the
time that... it felt like...
Like... like maybe it wasn't...
like maybe it wasn't going
to be pretending anymore.
that just might be one
of the nicest things
anybody's ever said to me.
I'm sorry.
You gonna leave again?
After it's over?
I don't know.
I think I might just accept that
some of us are lucky
enough to just live,
some of us are lucky
enough to just fight.
Even after it ends?
I don't think it ends.
What we're doing...
The end of the fight is...
Is what we're fighting for.
Winning just means we get tomorrow.
Maybe one more night.
Maybe one more morning.
After that...
no guarantees.
I wouldn't have died
if I went out there.
You would have, Henry.
Just trust me... You would have.
I could treat your wound.
Wouldn't want it to get infected.
There's, um... a prayer for the dead
I first heard when I was a little boy.
It, uh... ended with the phrase,
"Do not send us astray after 'them'"...
Those who died...
How you feeling?
I'm okay.
Siddiq and Dr. Dana,
they're... they're good.
Didn't even feel 'em stitching me up.
We're lucky to have 'em.
We're lucky to have you.
If Gregory was in charge, this...
this place wouldn't be here anymore.
He was about himself.
What he wanted.
That's not you.
Hey. What's going on?
Mnh... it wasn't... they...
Ah, you're burning up.
I'm gonna go get the doctor.
Just hold tight.
Shh, shh, shh!
You're Gregory, right?
Thank God.
Let me out.
Do you know which one killed my brother?
I-I don't know who your brother is.
I-I don't know any of these people.
I'm not one of them.
That's a very dangerous
weapon you got there, kiddo.
Uh, I don't want you to get hurt...
I don't want anyone to get hurt.
Why don't you give it to
me, and we can talk, huh?
I'm sorry about your brother.
Killing them isn't gonna bring him back.
But it'll make me feel better.
It already did once.
And why would you be in
here if you're not with them?
I'm not dumb.
One of you knows who killed Ben,
and if I have to, I'm
gonna start shooting people
until someone tells me.
Hey, kid. I get it.
My... My big brother died, too.
Killing a buncha guys who mighta
had something to do with it
sounds pretty damn good in theory.
it's not gonna make you feel any better.
Not for long.
I know.
What's up, Al?
Nothing. Go back to sleep.
Ezekiel, please watch our back.
Rick, I'm gonna need you to...
Come on.
Music to my ears.
Was it you?
I don't know what the hell
you're talking about, kid.
I want the guy who killed my brother.
Somebody better tell me now!
Look, I know you're angry.
Okay? I know. I was, too.
But words are a lot
easier t-to live with
than actions, all right?
Be a man and step forward
so I don't have to kill your friends.
I'm gonna count to
10 and start shooting.
1... 2... 3...
4... 5...
Gate's open, boys! Let's go!
The hell happened?
I don't know.
Maybe walkers got in.
Maybe during the fight.
These are our own people, though.
Stay back!
You alright?
Yeah, just...
He wasn't bit.
But he turned.
Negan's bat.
When I was out there with him,
it was covered in walker blood.
I just thought he'd crossed some.
But maybe...
They have us working for them again.
Killin' our own.
It's the fever.
That's what it is.
It makes sense now.
One of you...
you're gonna have to do it.
I can't.
You gotta do it for me.
Good out there?
House is clear.
How'd this happen?
Um... the Saviors did
something to their weapons.
Everyone they cut up... or got shot...
they all got sick.
Some of 'em turned.
When we were out there,
and you said you were done waiting,
I coulda killed him.
I shoulda.
No. He wanted to be here with us.
And no matter what he
did or how hard he tried,
I wanted him dead.
I just couldn't let it be anything else.
Karma's a bitch, right?
Hands up, now!
Hey, we're trying to help!
A-A-A kid came and opened up
the pen. We had people turn.
A bunch of 'em left, but a bunch of
'em are trying to close that gate.
Maggie, look.
We're on it.
Come on.
What are you doing out here?
I went to check on the
prisoners, but the pen was empty.
Where are the others?
They didn't say where they were goin'.
They just ran.
And you didn't?
You saw what we mean to Negan and Simon.
Which might be a dumb thing to say...
It doesn't make us worth
much to your people, either,
but... those of us that stayed, stayed.
We had plenty of chances to run.
Henry, if you're down here, come on out!
Yo. We've checked everywhere.
The little man's gone.
Hey. Some of the Saviors
said Henry broke into the pen,
just before the others escaped.
He was down there, and then he wasn't.
I told him... I told
him what would happen.
You know what it is.
You know what it is.
You know what it is.
You know what it is!
You know what it is.
You know what it is! You know!
What is it?
The cost.