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[미드로 영어공부][Shadowing] TWD 워킹데드 The Walking Dead S09-E10 시즌9 에피10 English subtitle 쉐도잉 미미킹 영어자막 영어회화 스피킹 대본 스크립트 대사

by devorldist 2024. 10. 9.

💛 화면 한쪽에 영상, 한 쪽에 이 포스트
window 키 + 좌우 방향키

💛 굵은 글씨 : 익힐 구문
밑 줄 : 잘 안들리는 부분
* : 굵은 글씨 부연 설명, 사전 뜻
# :  씬 전환, 상황 전환


Attention... this is an
emergency evacuation order.
The Army has secured downtown Baltimore.
Remain calm
and follow the instructions
of emergency personnel.
Proceed with caution. Watch
for downed power lines.
If you have found
shelter outside the city,
stay where you are and
await further instruction.

I swear to God, I'm gonna lose it.
23 days.

Frank, it's okay.
We just have to wait it out.

Wait what out?
The whole world's going to hell,
and we're just sitting
here in a moldy basement,
pretending it's not.


Daddy, we can't go outside
because we'll get sick.
We have to wait for the doctor
to come and make it better.

Nobody's coming, Lydia.

Daddy's just kidding.
Come here, Bug.
Let's lie down.
Come here.

♪ Lydia, oh, Lydia ♪
♪ Say, have you met Lydia? ♪
♪ Oh, Lydia, the tattooed lady ♪
♪ She has eyes that folks adore so ♪
♪ And a torso even more so ♪
♪ Lydia, oh, Lydia,
that Encyclopedia ♪
♪ Oh, Lydia, the Queen of tattoo ♪
♪ On her back is the
Battle of Waterloo ♪

This is an emergency evacuation order.


Remember that look in his eye.
Still see it.
How cold it is.
Why am I even telling you this?

Beats the quiet.
Beats being alone.

Never been alone.

My people traveled in
groups with the dead.
I miss the sounds...
the smell...

Not gonna lie...
Walking around in dead people's skins
is pretty messed up.

Thinking this place isn't gonna fall
like every other place...
that's messed up.

Agree to disagree.

Your dad's an asshole like mine.
All you did was sneak out.
Is it even that hard?
Are there a lot of guards posted here? * (근무 위치에) 배치[파견]하다

Daryl's not my dad.
He doesn't even want to be here.
He's only doing it
as a favor for my mom.

I thought you said your mom died.

My second mom, I mean.
She's tough.
Not somebody you want to mess with.
Hey, what happened to your dad?

My dad was a stupid man.
My mom, though, she kept me alive.
Kept me safe.

She's a lot like your mom.
You don't mess with her, either.

# The Walking Dead


What? What do you got?

Maybe the dead, maybe not.
Keep your distance
and watch their hands.
They could go for knives.

Funky walk, check.
No weapons, check. Okay.

None of the masked ones.

The horses.
These are Alden's and Luke's.

But no Alden and Luke.

Maybe they had to bail. *(급히) 떠나다
Check the area.
Look for tracks. Stay close.

Hey, guys.
Connie says the horses were cut open
and skinned with knives.
This wasn't just the dead.

Plenty of walker
tracks but nothing else.
Horses could've been
wandering for a while.

Well, then we split up. We
break in different directions.

No, no, we stay here.
It's not safe out here anymore.
Walkers aren't just walkers.
That girl told us it
was just her mother,
but this? She's a liar.
There could be three
more of them out there.
There could be 300 of them out there.
We head back, we stay behind the walls,
and we make a plan.
Until we find out what this is.

And what if we don't?

We will. Let's go.


You want my other egg?
I could roll it to
you, if... if you want.

You don't have to take care of me.

I'm just trying to be nice.

You can keep it.
Hunger's a gift.
Why are you being nice to me?

When me and my brother and
my dad were found out there,
we were pretty messed up, too.
Took a lot of someone being nice to us
to make things okay again.

You think I'm messed up?

How is hunger a gift?

If I have to explain it,
you wouldn't understand.
It'll never be okay again.

Says who?

My dad.


Please stand by.
Please stand by.

It's been the same
message for a day now.

I think we should stay.

For how long?

Our supplies will run out eventually.

I'm ready.
Are we doing this or what?

We'll go with you.


Get your stuff.

We go now.

You go ahead.
Excuse us.

What are you doing?

Well, we're gettin'
the hell out of here.

And what about Lydia?

What about her? She's comin' with us.

It's too dangerous.
We should let them go. Wait to see.

Grow a pair, will you? *용기를 내다

Well, I'm sorry if I don't
want to orphan my kid.

But you're saying I do? Huh?

No. No, I...

Don't you ever suggest that
I don't care about my kid.
You hear me?

We're not going.


Daddy, is Halloween coming up?
I think I found my costume.
I can be a ghost.

Every day's Halloween, baby.
Don't you see all these freaks
pretending there's somethin'
still to be hopeful about?

Frank. Isn't Daddy funny?
What are you doin'?

Can't stand this.
Never could.
You always liked it.
World's over?
I'm doing what I want now.

I think it was your turn, Bug.


Mommy, that's chess.


He always...
She always said that.

Your mom sounds nice.


Is your, uh... Is your second mom
the person who found you?

No, it was my, uh... My dad, Ezekiel.
Second dad.

Why isn't he here with your mom?

They're the leaders
of another community.
Where I'm from.

Is it far?
W-What's it called?

It's called the Kingdom.
It's probably like a
day's ride from here.

Hey. What's going on?

Shut up.
You're gettin' out.
Come on.

Get in there!
What the hell's wrong with you?
Telling her about the Kingdom?
What if there's more
of her people out there?
You got family at the Kingdom.

I'm sorry. Okay?
I didn't think that it would...
Wait. You were listening?

Yeah, of course we were.
Me, Enid, and a few of the others,
we've been switching off,
seeing what she'd say to you.

You were using me.

Yeah, and it was workin', too.

She's a good person who
got messed up out there.
And she's right about you.
You know that? You're an asshole.
You want answers, get 'em yourself.


You finally come to kill me?

It's for your ear.
You keep pullin' on it like it hurts.
No? I don't give a shit.
It's up to you.
Two of ours went missing.
We found their horses, though.
Half skinned, half eaten.
You know anything about that?

How could I?
I've been here.

What would your mom do if she
crossed some of our people?
Would she kill them?

She would if she had to.


Just let me go.
It might be them!

No. They left 11 days ago.
They would be back by now, Matias.

We're running out of food.
We haven't seen daylight in weeks!
We have to do something!


What we have to do is shut up.

Keep moving! Keep moving!

Shut... up.

I'm gonna die down here.
I can't breathe.
I gotta get out, man.


I need to get out, man. Please.

Stop him! No, Matias!

Help! Help us, please!

You're gonna get us all
killed, you stupid asshole.


I don't give a shit what
you do with your life,
but I'll be damned if I'm
gonna let you risk ours!
You're weak and pathetic!
And there is no room for you here!
So shut your mouth!
Do you hear me?
Do you hear me?!

Oh, my God.

♪ Lydia, oh, Lydia ♪
♪ Say, have you met Lydia? ♪
♪ Oh, Lydia, the tattooed lady ♪
♪ Lydia, oh, Lydia ♪


He used to sing that
to me when I was scared.
Which was a lot back then.

How old were you?

6. Who knows?

Your mom... Your mom
did what she had to do.
Doesn't have to be like that, though.
There's a lot of good people here.
They'll help you if you help them.

Can I have some water?
What, you think I'm gonna
hit you with it or something?


This is crazy.

We should go back out.
It's been too long.
Luke could be hurt and waiting on us.

Luke can handle his shit.
And they say Alden can, too.

And we should risk that?

I almost screwed up
for us at Alexandria.
We got a second chance.
But if we go against Tara,
we could lose everything.
Luke wouldn't want that.

Luke would want us to be together.
All of us.
There's a way we could
sneak out at Hilltop.
I saw some kids do it the other night.

Well, I vote we go.
Who else?
It's Luke.
Minute by minute,
day by day, ride or die. * (전적으로) 헌신적인, 열성적인
That's how we got here, so we keep that.
We need to.
Even if it costs us all this.

We leave tonight.


You know, some dads would
come up with any excuse...
just to beat the shit out of their kids.
Maybe they're drunk.
Maybe they can't get drunk.
Belts are good.
But these assholes, they ain't picky.
They'll use whatever's layin' around.
But a good switch from a birch tree... *자작나무
that'll work.
Your dad sounds a lot
like one of those dads.
Except the part
where he sang to you
when you were scared.
Those dads...
they like it when you're scared.
Thing is, that's the
only part of your story
that didn't sound like bullshit.
Now, you knew exactly what this was
when I walked down here.
And those bruises on your arm,
they come from a beating.
So let me ask you, if your dad's dead,
who gave 'em to you?

My mom.

Where is she?

Be glad you don't know.

Where is she?
Where's your camp?
Why are you protectin' her?
You're safer here.

This place isn't real.
The world changed,
and you're all acting like
it's gonna change back.
My mom walks 'cause
that's what the dead do.
It's their world, and
we have to live in it.
And what my mom does,
she does for a reason.

Your mom beats you
because she loves you?
That's bullshit.

No, it isn't.
When you stay soft, people die.


We need to get him out
before he starts to smell.

We should wait till morning. It's safer.

She's right.
We need to see what we're doing.

Agreed. Everyone?

Hey, Bug.
You still awake?
What's the matter? You scared?
Come here.
It's okay, baby.
Your mom and I are here.
You don't have to worry.
Everything will be all
right in the morning.

Frank, stop!



You were just a little girl.
It wasn't your fault.

I was stupid.
I deserved to die.
But my dad was soft,
and now he's the one that's dead.

What was he supposed to do?
Just watch his little girl get bit?

When you can't bend, you break.
He broke.

That's not true.
We're making it better.
We're building it back up again,
changing it back.

You don't belong with these people.
Maybe you used to, but not anymore.
You're hard, they're soft.

You don't know shit about me.

So tell me.
Hey, I told you what happened to me.
Tell me what happened to you.
Tell me!


You could've just asked me to help.
Hey! Daryl!
Where are you going?

Girl's too messed up.
She's a waste of time.
She's Tara's problem.

What's gonna happen to her?
Did someone used to beat you up, too?
Once, I heard my dad ask my mom
why she kept her hair so short.
She said when it was long,
her first husband would grab it
when she tried to get away.
He would pull it and
slam her against the wall.
So, one day...
she just cut it all off so he couldn't.
And I guess it took her this long
to feel safe again.
you act like the type of guy
who slams people against walls,
but I don't think that's it.

You shouldn't listen to people talk.

Look, I know Lydia's people are bad,
but that doesn't mean she's bad at all.
She's just scared.
You can show her there's
nothing to be afraid of.
You can do that.
And only you.

Not just me.


They are. Check out how they turn.
The dead don't do that.

Could be our skin friends.
Eyes open.
What's up?

If we hadn't left our post,
we'd be dead like the others.

We had to run.
We didn't have a choice.

If we had a vote, we had a choice.

Our choice was not to die.

Was it?
Or is that what we
keep telling ourselves?

Look out!



I remember about that
last day at Coalport.
I remember getting separated.
And I remember Luke was
the one that found me.
I can't leave him out here.
I'm sorry, but I can't.





It's me from...

Yeah, I know. Why are you...
Did Daryl send you?

No, Daryl doesn't...
know I'm here.
I, uh, told him I'd talk
to you tomorrow, but...
I couldn't wait.


I don't know. I just...
I like you.
I think you're a good person.
And I want to show you that this
is a good place with good people.

You're letting me out?

Yeah, just for a bit.
We just have to be
quiet, stay out of sight.



Come on.

You okay?


We can just wait here until it's clear.

I just ate a worm.

You did.

Come on. Let's go.
Watch out for the brick.
That is the, uh... The medical trailer.
Enid's a really good doctor.

You have a doctor?

Doctor, blacksmith, cobbler... * 구식 구두[신발] 수선공 (→shoemaker)
You name it, we got it.

How long has this been?

Oh, it's been built up
for over six years now.
Thing is,
it's only gonna keep growing.

Places like this aren't
supposed to exist.
My mom said they couldn't.
That's why they had to...
That's why we...

Oh, shh. It's all right.


♪ Lydia, oh, Lydia ♪
Your father was a stupid man.

Nobody's coming, Lydia.

World's over. We're
doing what I want now.

♪ She has eyes that folks adore so ♪
He was soft. Now he's dead.
Put it on.
This is how we live.

She's a good person.
She's a good person.
She's a good person.
She's a good person.

Lydia, what's wrong?

She's a good person.
Put me back in the cell.



I'm sorry.

Can you stay with me tonight?


She didn't want to be alone.

My ear hurts.
Everything hurts.
You still have those pills?

My mom's not coming for me.
None of them are.
If someone dies or
gets taken or whatever,
they move on.
Like they never existed.
That's how it's always been.

They don't come into
contact with big groups
unless they don't have another choice.
That's why I... I was trying to find out
everything I could about you.
'Cause then when I escaped,
I'd have something to give them.
No reason for them to take me back. *(집을 떠났던 남편·아내 등을) 다시 받아들이다

You're her daughter.
Does that not matter?

What about our missing people?

If my mom found them...
I can't think of a reason
she'd keep them alive.

She got a camp somewhere?

Near the guard bridge.
Maybe a mile east.
But we don't...
They don't stay in one place for long.

The story about your family...
was any of it true?

I thought all of it was.
I needed it to be.
But I had it all mixed up.
It was a lie, but...
the lie wasn't mine.
My mom...
she told it to me...
over and over, for years.
deep down, I knew...
I knew what she was, and...
I knew what she did.


We got to get outta here!

What? No, these are our friends.

Those aren't our friends, Frank.
They're idiots we got stuck with.
They're panicking, and
that's putting us in danger.
Get up.
We're leaving.


You go if you want.
Lydia stays with me.

The hell she does.

It's okay, Bug, okay?
Now, listen, you're just gonna
wait here for me to come back.
I'm just gonna go and make sure
that we can get to
the stairs, all right?

No, don't go!
Daddy, don't go! Daddy!
No, no!


He was against the wall...
...and my mom was there.
Had that cold look in her eye.
Then she... She got her knife.
And then she...

It's okay.
It's okay.
We've heard enough.

I'm sorry I couldn't help you.
I'm sorry I wasted your time.

You didn't.


Let me talk to her.


So this whole time
Lydia's mom made her think
it was her fault her dad died?
Why would a mom do that to a kid?

Some people ain't meant to be parents. *be meant to be sth (대체로) ~인 것으로 여겨지다

So what happens now?
Can she stay here with us?

We'll see.
Should get her some fresh clothes.
I'ma talk to Tara, see about that camp.

Hey, Daryl?
I'm glad you and my mom are friends.



What'd you find?

Look, it was wrong of us to leave.
I just wish...
we'd realized that sooner.
I should've...

Open the gate!

Yeah, my guard saw you sneak out.
Wasn't taking any chances.
I get why you did it.
But the next time
you want to challenge
one of my decisions,
just do me a favor and come
and talk to me about it.
I don't know if I'm doing
the right thing here.
But I do know I don't want
any more people to die,
and that includes you guys, too.

Oh, my God.


Hey! Daryl!


Let's go, kids.

I am Alpha.
And we only want one thing from you.
My daughter.
