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[미드로 영어공부][Shadowing] TWD 워킹데드 The Walking Dead S09-E11 시즌9 에피11 English subtitle 쉐도잉 미미킹 영어자막 영어회화 스피킹 대본 스크립트 대사

by devorldist 2024. 10. 12.

💛 화면 한쪽에 영상, 한 쪽에 이 포스트
window 키 + 좌우 방향키

💛 굵은 글씨 : 익힐 구문
밑 줄 : 잘 안들리는 부분
* : 굵은 글씨 부연 설명, 사전 뜻
# :  씬 전환, 상황 전환


So, that thing you wanted to tell me...

Oh. Uh, yeah.


Okay, but I swore I wasn't
gonna say anything yet,
so you can't, either.

Not till I say so.

Just... spit the gum out.

You swear, too, Carol?

Yeah. Cross my heart.
Spill it.


Nabila and I...
are bunned up.


We're up the pole. *미친, 정신 나간


We're preggo! Preggers.
Got our preg on.

Nabila's pregnant?

Doc says about eight weeks.
Dude, I'm gonna be a
daddy, Your Majesty.

The future begins!
Congratulations, man.
You are the biggest-hearted among us.

Thank you, Your Majesty.
But, just, uh...

Oh, Jerry... Jerry...

They're coming.


We really appreciate this.
Maggie wanted to thank you personally,
but with people still sick...

I'm just glad to hear the worst is past.

Thanks to the Kingdom.

And to you, too, apparently.
We were surprised to see you.

Yeah, well, not as surprised
as Michonne's gonna be
when she realizes I'm
not going back home.
Yeah, I kind of took
off with more supplies
than the Council was willing to spare.
I get why they think
Alexandria couldn't do more,
but we're family.

Speaking of...

Oh, yeah. I forgot.
I grabbed one more thing before I left.
Michonne was letting it collect dust.

Uh, Maggie's not exactly
the biggest fan of Michonne right now.
So we thought you could hold on to it. * (남을 위해) ~을 맡아 주다[보관하다]

I thank you.
I haven't given up on
the idea this embodies. * (사상·특질을) 상징[구현]하다
I still believe
that this will bind
us into something more,
because we are family.
When the time comes, we'll reunite.
The leaders will sign it together,
and our communities
will begin anew again. *(처음부터) 다시, 새로
As one.
Until that day,
I am honored to be the
keeper of the path forward.

That's what we were counting on.
Thank you again.
For everything.

Take care.
Give Maggie our best.

We will.


So, we gonna peep this thing or what?


Hey, boss?
Five minutes till go.


Spotter puts the count at a hundred,
just east of Falls Church.

Enough elk to feed all of us,
plus half of Hilltop, Oceanside,
and Alexandria for a week.
And Alfred?

About 200,
also heading to Falls Church.
We've got a good six hours
to get to those elk before the dead do.

And so we shall.
Thanks for the update, Dianne.
It's good to have you back.

Good to be back.

Alexandria, huh?
You know something I don't?

Crazier things have happened.
Are you...?

Going on the hunt? Sure am.
Got a problem with that, mister?

I simply assumed
the queen was handling
preparations for the fair.

Don't call me that.
It's handled. It's just...
Still feels like an empty nest.
That and maybe I just
missed you a little bit
while I was gone.

As did I, my...
my love.
As did I.
To collect our bounty!
And in a few days' time, we feast. * (아주 즐겁게) 맘껏 먹다[포식하다]
It's all gonna work out.



Our community is more than capable
of defending itself!

I show you my face because
we mean you no harm.
I just want my daughter.
I know you have her.

You should turn around.
Leave now and no one gets hurt.

Wrong answer.

It's a little arthritis flare-up, *갑작스런 재발
but you two are acting
like I'm on my death bed. * 임종(의 자리)

You damn well could've been,
spilling all that hot
metal like you did.

Well, I'm gonna give you eucalyptus
for the pain and inflammation
and aloe for the burns.
We'll start with that, see how you do.
You should really think
about taking a break.

How about for good?

Tammy Rose...

I've been telling him this
is gonna happen for years.
What he needs to do is retire...

I'm not gonna retire,
and I don't need a break.

Are we done here?
I have another two dozen
horseshoes to finish
before we leave for the fair.
Thanks, doc.


Appreciate you coming by...
and putting up with Earl's crabbing.

I get it.
This work's important to him.

It ain't just that.
In all the years since
our Kenneth has passed,
it's been his way to
fill the empty, you know?
Alden being gone,
I think it just brought it all back.

Yeah, uh...
Earl's always been a father to him...
To both of us.

Don't you lose hope, you hear me?
Alden will turn up.
A million things could've
happened, all right?


Hey, Marco, what's happening?

The ones that killed Jesus...
they're here.


They don't see her.
Least not yet.

That girl told me what
her mom does to her.
We ain't sending her back to that.

Yeah, but what if she
has Alden and Luke?

Pissing her off can get them killed.

Did you kill our friends?
We found their horses.

Which one of you leads these people?

What the hell does it matter?

Then I'll just address all of you.
Your people crossed into our land.
There will be no conflict.
Your people killed our people.
There will be no conflict.
I'm done talkin'.
Bring me my daughter,
or there will be conflict.

No one touches the girl.


Where's he going?

Daryl, stop.


Does she have Alden and Luke?

I don't know.

What does she want?
No, Daryl, we... we can't do that.

She ain't gettin' her.

Then what are you doing?

She's done talkin'. I'm not.
Come on.


Well-done, good people.
Hurry these back to preserve
the fruits of our labor.
The dead will be upon us
in less than an hour's time.
I was thinking you could accompany them.
To protect the cargo.

We're not heading back together?
What's going on?
Where's everybody else going,
and why are you scared to tell me?

Jerry, is this the face of a scared man?

No comment, Your Majesty.

You see, there's this
little, uh, side mission
that some of us have
been planning for a while,
to pick up one last item for the fair.
It'll just take a few minutes...
Plenty of time to avoid the herd.
But it's nothing you'd
be interested in, so...

Try me.

How about I show you?


It's movie time.
Movie time.
It's movi...



Yeah, okay.


Go get 'em.

You can't have her.
if it's a fight you're lookin' for,
we got enough firepower to light you up.
Right here and now.

You brought a baby out here?

We're animals.
Animals live out here.
Animals have babies.
So we have babies out here.
Now, what were you sayin'?
Lightin' us all up?
You seem to want conflict.
I don't.
So I'm proposing a trade.
I wanted to kill them.
But I want my daughter more.
One of mine, two of yours.
It's a good trade,
which is why you're gonna take it.
bring me my daughter.


A projector bulb? Really?

I know.
It's not something we absolutely need,
and it's a little dangerous, but...
we got it all planned out.

There's a herd coming.

We can beat it.
In and out, like a cobra strike.

We're barely getting
by with what we have. *get by with sth (~으로) 그럭저럭 살아[해] 나가다
These people are fathers and mothers.
It's worth it to you...

It's worth it because
they're fathers and mothers.
Henry used to love movie nights.

It's been five years
since our last projector
bulb burned out.
The young ones don't
even know what a movie is.
A fair should inspire
a sense of whimsy and wonder, right? * 엉뚱한[기발한] 생각[행동/방식]
Bringing cinema back from the dead?
Showing children their first film.
Now that's something that
would make our gathering of communities
something they'd never forget.
And if they love it,
if... if this moment of
fellowship with their neighbors
is seared into their hearts and minds, * (강한 불에 겉 부분을) 그슬다[재빨리 굽다]
then they'll fight to
preserve those bonds.
We're giving the gift of
joy and lifelong friendship.
If that's not worth fighting for,
I don't know what the hell is.

Yo, my kids' heads seeing a movie?


You in?

I'm not gonna not keep you safe.

♪ It's all right now ♪
♪ It's all right now ♪
♪ It's all right now ♪
♪ Mm, they are doing it ♪
♪ Whoo! ♪
♪ You know it, too ♪
♪ It's all right now ♪


♪ It's all right now ♪
♪ Come on, sisters, let's get down ♪
♪ It's all right now ♪



No bulbs, just bupkis. * 아무 것도 아닌 것.

And a lot of tubs of
butter-flavored coconut oil.
Pretty sure the expiration
date's just a suggestion.

Our last best chance for that bulb.
We've spent weeks
preparing for this scenario.
You know what to do.
You good to assist, D?

If you're good with them.

Your mission, your call.

We're good. We're good.
Cobra strike.

I didn't say anything.


The dead...

All this talk...

Should we lead them away?

Keep 'em back, away from the prisoners.
For now.


Daryl, what'd she say? Are they okay?

Yeah, they will be.
We got to hand back the girl.
Where's Henry?

I don't know. Why?

He's gonna want to say goodbye.

Daryl, Tara and Yumiko
went to get Lydia.


She decided while you were out there,
when she saw Luke and Alden.

Hey, she's gone.

How you mean she's gone?

Her door was open, key was in the lock.
Daryl, you know we have to do this.

All right, split up.
Find Henry, we find the girl.


Nothing in the house.
Has anybody checked the barn?

I'll check.


Come on. Right here, right here, smell.


Shh, shh, shh.

The baby!

To live with the dead
means to live in silence.
If the mother can't quiet the child...
then the dead will.
Natural selection.


Good boy, good boy.

They snuck out?

Go tell the others. I can track 'em.

You don't have to.
I know where he probably took her.

Go see what that is.

I can get Henry and Lydia.

No, it's my problem.

And Alden's mine.
Look, this is how we get him back.
Look, I-I've known
Henry since he was a kid.
He likes me.
I can talk to him.

Go. Come on, boy.


Come on.


Come on!


Come on.

Hot damn.
We're in business.

Grab it and let's go.

Easy, D.
These bulbs are fra-gee-lay, for reals.
Wrong touch can break it.
Oil from the skin could explode it.

This is gonna be surgery.


Mind giving me a hand?
My side mission has a side mission.

What's it for?

The charter.
So I can frame it
after all the leaders of
the communities sign it.

At the fair?
You were serious before.
About Alexandria coming?

I was.
I am.
I know.
You think I'm dreaming.

I told you what Michonne said.
I just don't want you
getting your hopes up * 지나치게 기대를 하다
if it doesn't happen.

Then, I can't wait to
see the look on your face
if it does.

What if the fair isn't enough?
What if more trade and
more training isn't enough?
We should talk to Jesus
about the possibility
of taking us in if things get worse.
Just in case.
Least until we can find some new place,
someplace better.

And what place could be
better than the Kingdom?

Surely a dreamer could dare
to dream of such a place.
Hey, it doesn't mean...

But it might.
That's the reality.
We have to consider all outcomes.
We'd be foolish not to.
I've been...
foolish not to.

Your Majesty.

William, what is it?

Bad news. The boom box died.
And we got less than
15 before Alfred hits.

Watch out!

Hey, they're coming through over here!

Weapons up.

Stay back!

Prepare for a breach.

They're breaking through,
they're breaking through!

Come on, Jerry.

Hold your ground! * 굴복하지 않다


Sounds like things might
be getting dicey down there. *확실치 않은, 위험한 (=risky)
Wrap it up. Let's go.

And done.
Let's bounce.

Oh, shit!



This feels weird.

But good weird, right?

Yeah. Good weird.

Yeah, a woman at Hilltop makes those.
They kind of look like coins,
but they're not worth anything.

She wasn't supposed to come.
She broke her own rules.
Maybe she misses me.
Maybe she's sorry.

No. She's not.
People like that don't get to be sorry.

Henry, come on!

Stay here.



I didn't want to tell her, but I...

Just... Just go.
Tell them we weren't here.
She doesn't want to go back.
Her mother... Her mother hurts her.

Henry, Henry...
if there was something I
could do to help her, I would.
No one wants this.
But Lydia, she... she
doesn't belong to us.
Okay? Alden and Luke do.
Her mother has them.
She'll kill them if
we don't give her back.

No, th-there's got to be another way.

There isn't.
I'm sorry.

No. It's not fair. It's not right.

No, I know it isn't.
But it's something we're
just gonna have to live with.


When I was about your age, I...
I saw my parents die.
It changed me.
all about surviving somehow.
And then, someone else close to me died.
Someone special, with a big heart.
He left me a letter, reminding me that
"just surviving," it isn't living.
And it took me way too long
to get what he really meant.
You live with it by staying who you are.
By not letting the
bad things change you.

Henry, it's okay.
I'm gonna go.
I have to.

No, no, we can... we can...

I want to.
She's my mother.
They're my people.
I miss them.
I'm gonna miss you, too.
And I'm gonna be okay.
So will you, okay?



I never want to let go of you.

I don't want you to.


Sorry, Mom.
Thanks for comin' to get me.

You call me Alpha, like all the rest.

Yes, Alpha.


Did you get it?

Well, I got it bubble-wrapped,
and far as I can tell,
it stayed in one piece.
After I dropped it.

Where'd you drop it?

Best guess...
middle aisle,
somewhere between rows R and W.

From the projection room,
looks to be about 30 to 40 in there.

We have mere minutes
before the herd's upon us.
There isn't time to lure
them away like the others.
Perhaps it's victory enough
to leave with the
poster box and our lives.

I'm real sorry, boss.
If that's what you think's best.
Your call.

Shouldn't the queen's
call count for something?
'Cause I say we stay
and we fight for what we came for.
It's just a few kills each.
We take them further back, * 그들을 더 뒤로 유인하고
we use the steps as choke points *(교통의) 애로(bottleneck), 요충, 관문(關門)
so they don't come at once.

Carol, you don't have to, not for me.

Who says it's just for you?
Cobra strike.
So, we doing this or what?


Thank you for what you did back there.

I'm only a killjoy some of the time. * (재미 삼아) 남의 흥을 깨는 사람
I just want you to be safe.

I know.

We've all lost so much,
and with Henry gone...

He's safe with Daryl.
And I'm here with you.
And we got ourselves a projector bulb.

We did.

You are right.

It's smart to be ready
for any eventuality. * 만일의 사태
But maybe...
maybe we're done with
losin' for a while.

Yeah, maybe.

Come on.


I get why we had to do it.
But it doesn't make it okay.

I never said it did.

So, what do we do?

We live with it.

That's what Enid said.
I saw the scars on your back.
I think you know better than anyone
what we just sent her back to.
How can you live with that?

the world is just shit sometimes.
And you live with it.
Sometimes that's all you can do.

Yeah, but what about before?
At Alexandria?
I know what you did to help
when things went bad there.

You don't.
Not really.
I did what I had to do today.
We all did.




I found this in... In Henry's room.



