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[미드로 영어공부][Shadowing] TWD 워킹데드 The Walking Dead S10-E06 시즌10 에피6 English subtitle 쉐도잉 미미킹 영어자막 영어회화 스피킹 대본 스크립트 대사

by devorldist 2025. 1. 15.

💛 화면 한쪽에 영상, 한 쪽에 이 포스트
window 키 + 좌우 방향키

💛 굵은 글씨 : 익힐 구문
밑 줄 : 잘 안들리는 부분
* : 굵은 글씨 부연 설명, 사전 뜻
# :  씬 전환, 상황 전환




Feelin' better?

Yeah. Thanks.

Where you goin'?

Mm, gonna do another sweep for Negan.

Cool. You want company?


Think Negan crossed the border?

He'd know we couldn't
follow him over there.

I can't see him puttin' on a mask.

Or staying quiet for long.
Still, stranger things have happened. * 보다 더 기이(奇異)한 일이 있었다(때문에 그것이 실현되지 않는다고 말할 수 없다).

We takin' a break?

This is our spot today.
Gonna stay here...
see what we see.

He ain't gonna wander around,
waitin' to get spotted.
He ain't that dumb.
Neither are you.

Gee, thanks.

You wanna tell me what
we're doin' out here?

Lookin' for Negan.

You gonna tell me what
we're really lookin' for?

Alpha's horde.
We're gonna find it, and
we're gonna destroy it.

# The Walking Dead


Come on. Admit it.
There's a tiny part of you
that's thrilled to be sick.
Just so you can spend more time with me.

You think I'm pukin'
because I got a little crush?

Textbook case of
butterflies in the stomach.

I want a second opinion.

Oh, it's simple science, darlin'.
Bodies manifest emotion
in all sorts of different ways.
The heart wants what it wants.
Right? Inhale for me.
And exhale.
Seriously, though,
don't you think we'd
make a bitchin' couple? *속어 특히 美 기막히게 좋은, 끝내주는

Son, I would break you like a twig.

How's he doin', Cheryl?

Jury's still out.

I thought we were havin'
a moment here, Cheryl.

Is she okay? Everything alright?

Couple more cases of that stomach bug. *장염

So that makes it seven.


You know, maybe I should just
put Coco down for a minute...

Don't worry about it, man.
I got it.


Yeah. How's Rosita?

Ah, same as everybody else, it seems.

The most we can do is keep 'em hydrated
and wait it out.


Hey, lap up the daddy/daughter
shit while you can,
because they grow so damn fast.

Okay, a-alright, easy. Dude, easy.
Have some boundaries.

My bad.
You two should go out, have some fun.

Alright, thanks.

And if you need me to
peek at Rosita later,
just say the word.
Happy to, you know,
make sure she's on the mend.
That's one of those boundaries again.




Alpha's been sending waves of walkers
to screw with us, right?
Well, I've been tracking walker
movement along the border.
Small groups.
Some of them might
have Whisperers in them.
But they all connect right
back to this general area,
so I figure we stake out this spot. * (경찰관을) 잠복 근무시키다, (용의자 따위를) 감시하다.

See where the Whisperers go.
Might lead us back to the horde.
That's smart.

I thought so.

She's gonna need a place, though,
like the canyon they used to be in.
Only spots I know are on
Whisperer territory, though.
Not gonna be able to sneak in there
without startin' up some kind of shit.
We only need to figure
out where they are,
and then we'll tell
the council. I swear.
Why weren't you straight with me before?

After what happened at
the border and with Alpha,
I didn't want you to worry.

I get it.

Just wanna keep us safe.
So, you gonna stick around? *(어떤 곳에(서)) 가지 않고 있다[머무르다]

Well, if you spot somethin',
you're gonna need me to track it, right?

I dunno.
Picked up a few things over the years.

Yeah, we'll see.


Honestly, fellas... or ladies.
Kinda hard to tell
underneath the outfits.
I wanna join, alright?
I am a joiner. * 가입자, 입회자
Get me a damn application already.
I mean, look at you guys, right?
Cool-ass outfits,
the whole back-to-nature paleo vibe? *<‘고대와 관련됨’을 나타냄>
You are a survivalist's wet dream.
Not to mention the
number-one selling point...
no more bein' eaten by the dead.
But just, out of curiosity,
'cause it's killin' me,
what do you got goin' on down low?
Are you flyin' around commando-style, *fly around 바삐 돌아다니다
or do you got, like,
walker long johns with the la... flap?
Cool your tits there, Jolly Green Giant.

Constant noise.
I should just slit your throat,
be done with it. *…을 끝장내다

Okay. You know what?
You're right, big man. I am sorry.
I never properly introduced myself.
Hey, I'm Negan.
For the last eight years,
I have been locked up by your enemy.
So you take me to your leader,
and I will spill every
Goddamn secret I know.


I got the supplies ya asked for.

Well, feel free to deposit those
in any location of your choosin'.
Gotta say, your assist
on the radio relaunch
has been a boon, and
I thank you mightily.

Well, I'm happy to be a
part of the Hilltop AV club.

Care to take the new setup for a spin?
Some primo choice upgrades.
Transmitter's been properly souped up *(자동차·컴퓨터 등의) 성능을 높이다
with Soviet satellite guts, and...
You don't parlez-vous Russian,
by any chance? * (특히 의문문에서) 혹시라도

Well, that's all I got.

Hmm. Solid.
Well, just checkin'.
Relocatin' the antenna to the apex
provides unobstructed L-O-S
to the secondary repeater,
exponentially expanding our range.
You haven't lived
till you've bounced a
transmission off the ionosphere.
Gives me gooseflesh each and every time.

Well, this sounds really cool, Eugene,
but I gotta get back to the kids.

Oh, yeah. Understandable.
Bambinos, they take precedent.
No expiration on that invite, though.

Cool. Thanks.
Have fun.

Solo trip it is.
Let's see how far you
can fly, little lady.

Calling for Hilltop.
Come in, Hilltop.
Hilltop. Calling Hilltop.

Copy that, Alexandria.
This is Hilltop.


Um, yes.
Were you lookin' for
someone in particular?

No, dumbass.
I'm looking for you.


Just wanted to see what you were up to.
I figured I'd call.
But I'm also running a 102-degree fever,
so I could just be delirious. * (보통 고열로 인해) 의식이 혼미한[헛소리를 하는]

What sort of ailments
are we wrestlin' with?

Just a bug. I'll be fine. *(가벼운) 유행성 질병
And Coco's okay.
What about you? What are you up to?

Oh, just some garden-variety
engineerin' advice,
structural stability checks,
a total revamp of their radio setup. *(보통 더 보기 좋도록) 개조[수리]하다
Um, everyone wants a slice of Eugene.

Are you coming back anytime soon?

To be honest,
I haven't given much
thought to a timetable,
but it is mighty good
to hear your voice.

You, too.

Hold on.
We got a malfunction.
Mother of pearl.

Everything okay?

Bad solder. * 땜납, 연납
It was a gaffe on my part. *(공식적인 자리·사교 모임에서 범하는) 실수 (=faux pas)
I'm gonna have to fix this pronto *빨리, 당장
before the whole thing goes FUBAR. *미·속어 엉망인, 손댈 여지[어쩔 도리]가 없는

I should get back into bed anyway.
Do you want me to call
you this afternoon?

Are radio waves sinusoidal? * 사인 곡선적

Um, yes?

Yes. Yes, they are.



So close.



Mr. Crossbow, I thought
aiming was your thing.

It's definitely not your thing.

Mnh-mnh. Sorry, it doesn't count.

'Course that counts.

No, you gotta knock the can over.
You can't just kiss it.

Oh, my God.
You're such a sore loser. *(화를 내거나 짜증내며) 패배를 받아들이거나 인정하지 못하는 사람

I'd have to lose in
order to be a sore loser,
so since that didn't count,
I'm gonna take my turn.
Oh, it's a double-capper.
They're good luck.
Maybe it'll help your aim.

Very funny.
But I'll keep it.
You should watch your
own throws, though.


How was Hilltop?

It was fine.
King sends his best.

Connie fine, too?

I see things.

It's not like that.


Not at all.

Why not?
Aren't that many people left
to find out there these days,
much less good ones like her.

Yeah, I know.

Well, then why not?

What's it matter?

'Cause it does.
You don't have to be alone.
Years pass, Daryl.
You can't hide out
with your dog forever.
Oh, see?
Your aim's better already.

I'm hungry. You got food?

Yeah, I'll get it.



Hey, you see that?
It's a Whisperer.


He cannot be trusted.
Dispose of him.

Test him.
If he is worthy, I will hear him.
If not, then I kill him.
You have other thoughts?

It is a mistake showing him our ways.

Your questionin' of my judgment
has become a regular occurrence.

He is a threat.

To Alpha or to Beta?

I think only of our people.

Is it finally time
for the Beta to become the Alpha?



How long you and the
boss lady been together?
Is this, like, a
Beta-with-benefits situation?
Do you slide her a
little omega on the side?

You'll respect the Alpha,
or I end you where you stand.

I didn't mean to offend you.
I mean, hell, you keep
things professional.
I respect that.
Think I was just thrown off
by the whole kneelin' thing.
Not that there's anything wrong
with the whole kneelin' thing.
I mean, that has tickled the dicks
of many a fine man over the years.
Me, myself, I used to
have people kneelin' for me
all the livelong day, *<시간이> 긴; 온[꼬박] …, … 내내
so I do understand the benefits
that sort of shit provides.
Just actually never
done the deed myself.
And I admire your self-restraint,
and I'm sayin' this
totally respectfully,
but there is somethin' about
that whole bald-head thing
that just
tightens my britches. *=breeches (무릎 바로 아래서 여미게 되어 있는) 반바지

Rosita? Gabriel?
Just wanted to swing by to grab
a change of clothes for Coco.
Hey, you.

I think I need a house call, Doc.

I thought we were supposed to be in bed.

I was, and then I was feeling better,
so I came downstairs.
And then I was feeling even worse,
so now I'm stuck.

Well, you should've called
Gabe to come get me.

Ah, the Good Shepherd is out on patrol.
Overnighter. *일박 여행, 일박; 일박 여행자

Well, field trip to the infirmary.

No, come on, Siddiq.
I have so much to do.

I know, like going to the infirmary.

No, no, no, no.
If you just help me
get to the garage so...

No. Okay.
Look, it's a crazy idea,
but how about we all
go to the infirmary?
Mm? Yeah? Coco says yeah.
Let's go.


This is Hilltop callin'
over to Alexandria.
Do you copy?
Alexandria, let us know
if you are receivin'.
Alexandria proper, please respond.
This is Tater Bug, callin'
live over open channels.
Anyone out there, give us a copy.


It's getting bigger.

Yeah, looks like they're
gatherin' up all the strays.

Well, once the sun goes down,
it's gonna be tough to see where they go
unless we can get closer.

What makes you think
they're goin' anywhere?

If you and me were Whisperers,
that's when we'd move 'em.
You know I'm right.

You wanna cross the border, don't ya?

I wanna find the horde.
If that's what it takes...

Sure this isn't you just
tryin' to take another shot at Alpha?

The horde is our shot.
You changin' your mind?

Nope. I didn't say that.

Then what's the problem?

Alright, we do this, we
gotta be smart about it.
None of this "runnin' off
in the middle of the night,
no backup, just us" stuff, alright?

Since when are we not enough?

You know, we mess this up,
everyone else is gonna
pay for it, right?

We've already paid.
We keep paying
no matter what side
of the line we're on.
I gotta pee.

Did you find what you were lookin' for?

You bring the gun?

Used up all the ammunition, remember?

There was still some ammo
left in the storage room.

I didn't bring the gun, Daryl.
Wanna frisk me?
Go ahead.


Either we're enough, or we're not.

Alright, let's do it.
A plan this stupid, might as well be us.


So, do I get bathed
and reborn in her Whisper-y image,
or is this more like a ball-trippin',
skin-themed vision quest?


That's it?
I can do that.
Anything in particular
we're goin' for here?
Size, depth, width?

Just dig.




Sure. Why not?


Watch your step.
Here we go.
Yeah. Okay.

Looks like I'm not the only one.

Let's get you a seat.

Go ahead and grab a seat wherever.
I'll be with you in a sec.

Dante, what the hell is goin' on?

Hey, guys.
I-I-I think the illness is spreading
faster than we thought.
I-I didn't want to bother you.

That is not a decision you get to make.
Damn it, man, this is why
I said I shouldn't leave.

Hey, Siddiq, he's...


He's tryin' to help.

Start crushing herbs...
ginger and mint for the nausea
and oil of oregano and
yarrow for the fever.
This is only gonna get worse
if we're not ahead of it.


You good with these rules?

Yeah. Don't be seen.

No tracks, no killin' walkers neither.
Find a bunch of bodies
with holes in their heads,
we might as well leave a
note saying we were here.

Watch, learn, leave.
Yeah, if things go
sideways, we head back.
We get split up,
you meet me right here, alright?

And be safe.

We got luck on our side, alright?
Come on.


My porky here,
he was a bastard to take down.
But I gotta say, this is
exactly the kind of badass shit
I will do for my new family.

Only those who have earned
the right to walk among us may eat.

Big man,
I helped kill and cook the damn pig.
Come on, man, alright?
At the very least,
I deserve a piece of bacon.

Whatever you say, boss.


This is Tater Bug over open air,
surfin' on these proverbial radio waves.
Any interested earholes, come on back.
Anyone anywhere?
This is Tater Bug.

Hello, Tater Bug?
I receive you loud and clear.
I-I can't believe this.
Are you... Are you really out there?


Not here.
Keep looking.


Well, had I considered the
prospect of first contact,
I would've prepared proper remarks
toward the establishin' of relations.

I don't quite know what to say, either.
I'd gotten to the point
where I figured this
was a waste of time.

Well, perhaps an exchange of
Q&As might grease the wheels.
A few right off the top of my dome...
where are you located, how
long have you been there,
how many people do you have,
and should we continue saying "over"?

We can probably make
do without the "overs."
As for the other stuff,
I don't think I'm comfortable
sharing that just yet.

Any alts more within
your zone of comfort?

Maybe talk about our
lives before all this?

My personal origin entails
a long and storied history.
Were you thinkin' prologue,
or should I skip ahead a few chapters?

I guess, uh, start
with where you're from.

A Lone Star child at heart,
I was born in the shadows of Big D.
That's a well-worn
nickname for Dallas, Texas.

Yeah, I picked up on that. * 이해하다, 알아차리다
I grew up in Pennsylvania,
a small town called Strasburg.

Uh, dubious as it may seem, * 의심하는, 미심쩍어 하는 (=doubtful)
I know Strasburg, Pennsylvania, well.

Sure you do.

True as Coventry blue.
Durin' adolescence,
I went through a
significant foamer phase.
Locomotives were my jam.
As such, my parents purchased
a pair of tickets to
the 1995 Trainfan Expo
at the Railroad Museum
in, well, you guessed it.

Strasburg, Pennsylvania.

I have the most vivid
memory of an ice-cream shop
with the most marvelous batch
of black raspberry ice cream.

The Inside Scoop.
Went there all the time.
Hell, you and I might've
been there on the same day.

Well, knowin' this,
there's a critical
question needs answerin'.

What's that?

Cake cone or waffle?



Over here..


Been decades since I
got this much attention
from younger men.

Well, you're my patient,
so it's kinda my job
to keep an eye on you.

Then what's with the
look of gloom and doom? *(정치·경제 정세 등의) 비관, 어두운 전망
I feel like I'm nappin'
next to the grim reaper. *죽음의 신(해골 모습에 긴 망토를 걸치고 큰 낫을 든 가상적 존재)

I'm just, um, a little concerned.

Oh, hon, in this world,
most don't get the luxury
of driftin' off in a nice, comfy bed.
I should be so lucky.

Get some rest.
Hey, hey, I'll get it for you.

Oh, thanks, man.

About what I said earlier, I, um...

No worries.
I get it.
We're stuck with
pre-industrial-age meds,
and simple shit can
suddenly become a big deal.
We'll figure it out.

Thanks, Dante.
I-I appreciate your help.

You should.
I'm kind of amazing.
Get some rest, boss.

Alright, come on.



Hey, Coco.
It's okay.
It's okay. Shh.

Aww, it's okay.
Uh, Daddy gotcha.
Oh, it's alright.
Hey. Hey, it's okay.
No, no, no, no.
Oh, it's okay.
There you go.

Open your eyes.
Open your eyes.

Open your eyes.


Clearly, we are not jivin'.
And, you know, to be honest with you,
I totally understand
the position you're in.
You gotta be, like,
the tough guy and
keep everybody in line.
I mean, hell, you know, I had
guys just like you
to keep my shit tight.
Alright, maybe not just like you.
Uh, hell, if I had
some monster your size,
things would've turned out different.
Look, whether you like me or not,
I will be joinin' this team,
so maybe we should find a
way to get along, you know,
and stop pissin' on each other's boots.

You will never be one of us.
You're too loud,
too weak, too full of ego.

I mean, it ain't ego *자부심, 자존심
if I really am that awesome.

You are a waste,
and Alpha will see it.

So cards on the table, then?
Cool. I dig that.
See, I'm not here for you.
I am here for Alpha.
So you go ahead,
and you throw your little tests at me
and you scowl
and throw me on the ground like
five-and-dime Frankenstein. * 싸구려 잡화점
I don't give a shit.
See, big man,
I ain't goin' anywhere.

something we can both agree on.
You won't be going anywhere.

Wait a minute.
Did you just make a Goddamn joke?
I would be impressed
if I wasn't so pissed off right now.
You have got to be shittin' me.


What the hell is this?

He saw me.
We can take him back, see what he knows.
Maybe it's a good thing.

Did you plan this?


What's this?
It wasn't in your bag.

Guess you missed it.
Come on. We don't have time to argue.
It's done.


Roller rinks never made much
dollars-and-centavos sense
to me, purely on a risk/reward analysis.

Too afraid of falling?

Injury combined with humiliation.
Not my favorite pastime.
This deet exchange on our formatives
has been very enjoyable, and...
at the risk of said humiliation,
I wonder if we could dip
our toes into some real talk.

It's been great, honestly.
But I don't really know you.
You might be a threat.
Maybe it's better
if we let this be, you know, what it is.

What if I were to share specifics?

Who's to say I'm not a threat to you?
People are dangerous.

I'm well aware.
And yet, I have a twinge in my belly
that says you lean toward
the "good" column of
the alignment chart.
I do know you.
My given name is Eugene Hermann Porter,
and I propose we continue
these convos on the reg,
with the hopes of buildin' more.
Should that meet with your approval
and/or interest, of course.

Hello, Eugene Hermann Porter.
I'd like that.
I'd like that very much indeed.

So we're in agreement, then.

We are.
But... But let's just keep
this between us for now.
I wanna trust you,
but if I hear anyone
else, I'll know I can't.
And you'll never hear from me again.

Okay, just you and me.
Copy that.


He was weak.

I expected more.

He will serve us better
as one of the dead.

I'm ready for my Goddamn skin suit.
You best bring that
extra-long tape measure *줄자
on account of my humongous balls. *on account of ~때문에 *humongous 거대한
Hi. I'm Negan.
We haven't formally met,
but I sure as hell know who you are.
And whether my reputation
precedes me or not... *…에 앞서다[선행하다]
...I'm all in.
Whatever you want, whatever I got,
it's yours.

