💚 화면 한 쪽에 영상, 한 쪽에 이 포스트
window 키 + 좌우 방향키
💚 굵은 글씨 : 익힐 구문
밑 줄 : 잘 안들리는 부분
* : 굵은 글씨 부연 설명, 사전 뜻
# : 씬 전환, 상황 전환
Exquisite. 명품이군
hang up.
Bradley Fine.
I'm honored.
Pleasure's all mine.
Tell me where the bomb is.
10 seconds, or you're dead.
You see, when my men and I
hid it...
I made sure to erase any
And then I erased the erasers.
Which means...
I'm now the only one who knows...
just where that dangerously
and transportable nuke, is. 휴대가능한 강력한 핵폭탄의 위치는 나만 알고 있지
I'd say I have more than ten
seconds. 나 한텐 10초보다 더 줘야지
Well then, in that case, I'd say
you'd better start...
Oh, fuck!
Oh, my God!
Why did you do that?
I didn't do it on purpose.
There's like, a ton of pollen
in here!
Oh, God!
Christmas on a cracker! 진짜 미치겠네
*크리스마스 크래커(영국에서 크리스마스 파티나 만찬 때 쓰는 것으로, 두 사람이 양 쪽 끝을 잡고 끌어당기면 폭죽 터지는 소리가 나게 만든 튜브 모양의 긴 꾸러미. 속에는 보통 종이 모자나 작은 선물 등이 들어 있다.)
Did you take your medicine?
I forgot it on the plane.
I told you this morning...
I put extra in all your jackets!
You did?
Great. Shit!
No, you know what?
That's on me. 내 잘못이에요
Because I heard you sniffle
a while ago...
and I did nothing with that
information. 아무 조치를 안 했으니까
So that's blood on my hands, 내가 죽인 거나 마찬가지죠
Okay. You know what?
You got three coming in.
Get out the back door, now.
Anybody in here?
Yeah, we got one coming around
the corner, now.
Your three guests are coming
that door behind you, right now.
Watch your six. 6시 방향
Yahtzee. 앗싸
Oh, zinger! 대박!
I should've brought more bullets.
I thought they were chocolate
sprinkles... 모양은 분명 초콜릿 토핑인데 *뿌리다. 보슬비
which I would eat, normally,
by the fistful... *한웅큼
but this tasted like...
there's no other way to say
it, really.
Like a rat's arse. 쥐똥 같아. *엉덩이
Guys, can you please keep it
Unfortunately, there's vermin *해를 입히는 야생 동물[조류]
in the ceiling again... 천장에 들끓는 쥐새끼들이
and I hate to say it, but...
they've pooped all over your 네가 만든 케이크에 똥을 싸질렀어.
I'm going left?
I need you to go right and
head down the tunnel.
You've got one coming around
to your right...
and he's got a swarm behind
him. 당신 오른쪽에서 떼로 몰려와요.
That's my girl. 나한텐 자기 뿐이야.
Oh, I don't know.
Watch your back.
Oh, that was a close one, Fine. 아슬아슬 했어요.
Who's the finest of them all?
You are.
Oh, Bradley, you're so fine...
you're so fine, you blow my
hey, Bradley!
Oh God, duck! *(머리나 몸을) 휙[쑥] 수그리다[숨기다]
Nice moves, Fine.
Pilates has been working out
for you.
You noticed?
Yeah, you just seem looser. 더 유연해졌잖아요.
Like, in your hips.
I mean, athletically speaking.
I don't know. I guess you don't
seem so awkward.
Shut up!
Going straight?
Go right up the stairs. 오른쪽 계단으로
You're gonna find a little
on the first landing.
Thanks for your help.
You're clear to the top.
Get moving.
Oh, my God!
The rats can fly!
Come on, you guys!
All right, Fine.
Stop at the door.
You got a guard approaching.
I'll tell you when.
Wait for it, Fine.
Two, one.
Oh, dear, did I forget to
They're clawing at my hair!
I can't see!
What do you mean, you can't
see me?
I'm good.
You've got SUVs approaching.
Go to the dock!
Excellent idea.
Boyanov's boat is at the end.
Uh... no keys, Coop.
The panel's on the lower left
under the steering wheel. 운전대 밑 왼쪽 패널의
You can hotwire it. 전선을 뜯어서 시동 걸어요. *(열쇠 대신에) 철사를 이용하여 차에 시동을 걸다
I can't get to the wires!
Okay, then stay down and hold
your ears!
How will I hear your beautiful
Stop being adorable and get down!
Lock on coordinates 43.16547... 타깃좌표
and fire, now.
Close one! 큰일 날 뻔 했네
Nice drone work, Coop!
I could kiss you.
Well, I would accept that with
an open mouth.
Soon as I'm back, dinner is
on me.
Great work, Coop.
Hey, pick up my dry cleaning
for me, would you?
Also, get my car.
Oh, sure.
No problem.
Oh, and I have to fire my
He keeps running over...
the sprinkler heads with the
Can you cut him loose for me? *(…와의) 관계를 끊다((from))
Um... yeah.
Oh, yeah, sure.
You kidding?
I'd love it!
You're the best.
Smell you later, pal.
Poor Jaime.
The thing is, Jaime, that...Uh...
These are your children?
Your children, here?
Yeah, I have children.
I just have to cover those eyes.
They're looking right at me.
Please, don't fire me.
Jaime, I would never. 자르긴요. 아녜요.
This is more of a review. 그냥 중간평가 같은 거죠.
The lawnmower!
Right to that lawnmower.
You're a killer, Susan.
# title
These look delicious.
I don't wanna be critical, but
this is very chewy. 까다롭게 굴긴 싫지만 너무 질겨요.
You're eating a hand towel.
Just cleansing my palette.
Jeez. You had to take me to
such a dump? 왜 이런 싸구려 식당으로 왔어요?
Come on, cheapskate! *구두쇠
Burger King was booked up.
Ha! Sorry.
Hey, I've been thinking.
I couldn't do what I do without
And I've been thinking...
about doing something special
for you...
Good gravy, Fine. *美 비격식 뜻밖에 얻는 것(특히 돈), 횡재
It's a crazy cupcake!
You love cakes.
Wow. That is wonderful..
Imagine how awkward it would've
if it'd been a diamond ring,
or something.
Ooh... not a diamond ring!
I would've had to say, "I don't 그럼 난 이랬겠죠
want to marry you!" '결혼은 싫어'
I don't want your muscly arms
and hands...
rubbing my back with Nivea for 로션 발라주는 거 싫어요 *발음[nivia]
the rest of my life.
And our three kids run in, you
Karen, Tommy and Billy...
and we'd say, "Get out of here!"
no, thank you.
I'll just, you know, I'll
Can you give me a little jewelry
I can actually wear?
Not gonna wear it?
Yes. Yeah.
I was just saving it.
Put it on!
Look at that.
Wow, that's a...
That is an adjustable toggle. *토글(외투 등에 다는 짤막한 막대 모양의 단추)
Adjustable toggle.
You don't see that with a lot
of jewelry.
It's so you.
Is it?
Wow, perfect.
Seriously, I couldn't do what
I do without you...
in my earpiece.
I could never do what you do.
Can you imagine me as a spy?
Oh, my God.
Out in the field. 현장요원?
With a gun!
They would never
let me be a spy. 위에서 시켜줄 리도 없고
I can't even
dress like a spy.
Look at you
and your tailored...맞춤 정장에
Everything is cut right. 훤해보이는데
And mine is like a lumpy *덩어리[응어리]가 많은, 혹투성이의
pumpkin sack dress. 난 포대자루를 뒤집어 쓰고 있잖아요.
Oh, come...
It doesn't even have a label.
Does not have a label.
I think my mom made it.
No, stop.
Good God.
Go easy on yourself.
We're a perfect team.
That's why we work.
Come here.
Come here. Close.
I think
you're getting pinkeye. 눈병 걸렸나봐
What? No.
Right there.
No, that's not...
Did you wipe your eye after
you cleaned out the cat box?
I don't have cats.
Why did I think that?
I don't know.
You should get some.
They're good company.
We've intercepted chatter... 감청을 했는데
that the weapon is 핵폭탄을
still being offered
to the highest bidder. 최고 입찰자에게 팔겠대
Someone other than Boyanov 폭탄위치를 아는 사람이 보야노프 말고 또 있어.
knows where that nuke is.
It's probably
his daughter, Rayna
She's really the only
person he's trusted.
Jesus, Cooper,
do you have pinkeye?
Go home. You're going
to infect everybody.
Told you.
No, it's not
pinkeye, ma'am.
It's just
I'm having a bit of
an allergic reaction.
Well, I'm allergic
to disgusting
childhood illnesses, 난 눈병 알레르기니깐
so stay away from me.
Anyway, you're right.
After Boyanov's death,
Rayna went to
a safety deposit box
at a DSK bank in Varna.
레이나가 개인금고에 다녀갔어
The chatter picked up 감청으로 알아냈지
later that night.
What do we know
about her?
I can pull up her file.
Oh, that's stuck.It's just a little
so warm in here.
Pull up my file...
Jesus! Not my keyboard
with your pinkeye-infected
Why don't you
just cry directly
into my mouth
while you're at it? 의) 왜 자네 눈을 내 눈에 비벼대지?
It really is just
an allergic reaction...
Sit down. I'll do it.
Okay, I'm gonna
go sit down.
ELAINE: Rayna Boyanov.
Majored in international law
at Oxford.
Top of her class.
Been living in London
for the past 10 years.
Now We know she has been
with the heads of several
terrorist organizations.
Most ominously...가장 위험한 자는*불길하게, 기분 나쁘게; 불온하게
Solsa Dudaev,
the al-Qaeda-funded leader
of the Chechen Martyrs' 체첸 반군 지도자로 *martyr 순교자 [ |mɑːrtə(r) ]
Brigade. *여단, 단체
We have compelling evidence
that he has the machinery
in place
to get that nuke
to New York in time
for next week's
UN General Assembly. 뉴욕 UN 총회에서
I'm already packed. 의) 제가 가죠
One of our sources was told
she has taken up residence 레이나는 불가리아 수도 소피아 외곽에 있어
outside of Sofia.
Go get her.
Grab my things, Coop.
Jesus, Cooper, go put on
some sunglasses or something.
I feel like you're a Gypsy,
cursing me with it.
Yep, I'm on it.
God. My life
is a disaster.
No, it's not.
I'm 40, I live by myself...
I haven't been
in a real relationship
since Jerry left me
three years ago.
Well, Jerry was a jackass. *특히 美 멍청이
When I gave up teaching
to join the CIA,
I thought everything
was gonna be different.
I thought I was gonna be
this amazing spy.
I'm just the same
boring person
I was before.
Well, for what it's worth, *그냥 내 생각일 뿐이지만[도움이 될지 모르겠지만]
I think you're brilliant
as you are.
You're exciting.
And do you know what?
You play it too safe. 넌 너무 소심해
Maybe you're right.
I just... I still, you know,
hear my mom's voice...
"Well-behaved women
often make history." 조신한 여자가 역사를 만든다
Yes, you do know
the phrase is...
"Well-behaved women
seldom make history"?
Yeah. That's never
how she said it.
What were her others?
"Just blend in." 튀지말고 져줘라
"Let somebody else win."
I got that a lot
in high school.
And there was, "Give up
on your dream, Susan."
She used to write that
in my lunchbox.
I mean, look, okay?
What's really so
different between us
and Karen Walker?
I think literally everything.
No, hang on, no,
because you were
just as good as her
at the Academy.
She's had more successful
missions than even Fine.
Oh, she's the worst.
Look at her. She thinks
she's so perfect,
doesn't she?
"Hi, I'm Karen Walker,
super spy." (GIGGLES)
Perfect hair.
Perfect face.
She probably cries herself
to sleep every night.
I don't think
she probably does.
She probably does.
And not, like,
sort of cute, little tears.
Like, really sort of you know
silent, kind of big.
I don't think that's what...
Like a sort of upside
down kidney bean. *강낭콩
"This is what I look like
when I'm asleep."
Shut up, be quiet.
She won't know who we are.
She's so full of herself.
Hi. Hey, Nancy.
Hi, Susan.
Look at you two cuties
sitting here being all cute.
Oh, you.
Can I have
an Old Fashioned, please?
The service is really slow.
Super slow.
Good luck getting that
in the next hour.
Here you go, Miss Walker.
Thank you.
Alan and I go way back. *we go way back meaning you've known someone for a long time.I come here all the time.
So do we.
Right, Alan?
Hey, Alan. Alan!
Big A, Big A!
Al! We got a whole...
Miss Walker,
are these two bothering you?
No, thank you.
They're fine.
SUSAN: Alan!
He's the sweetest.
He totally pretends
not to know. It's a game.
NANCY: He's funny.
Well, anyway,
I'm taking some time off,
so I'll see you guys
when I get back.
Where are you going?
I wish I could just
stick around here,
you know,
curl up with a good book.
But I have a yacht full
of friends waiting for me.
I'll see you guys
when I get back,
all freckled and tan. 새까매지고 기미 늘어서 *주근깨
We're gonna see you.
(BLOWING RASPBERRY) *비격식 혀를 입술 사이로 진동시키며 내는 야유 소리
Oh, sorry.
Susan is ill.
It's her stomach.
Oh, my God.
Thank you for that.
Why would you do that?
I panicked.
What a great moment.
Just look at her.
NANCY: I know. That dress.
Look at that confidence.
You're not even allowed
to smoke in here.
I'm gonna go home.
No, come on.
Feel better.
Thank you. Yeah.
Fine, you good?
FINE: Okay, Coop.
Just pulling up. *멈추다[서다]
Susan, you're killing it.
Oh, good.
It's the chicory. 치커리
Any sign of her in the house?
Heat sensors
aren't picking anything up.
There's some kind
of interference.
I don't like this, Fine.
I'm up for the challenge. 의) 너무 쉬워도 재미없지.
(COCKS GUN) *총의 방아쇠를 재다.
Let's go in.
Shoot, there's something
wrong with your camera.
Can you switch it out
for a new one?
FINE: Too late.
FINE: No security.
Her father would never have
left himself this exposed. 그 여자 아버지라면 어림 없는 일이지
Pull back, Fine. *후퇴하다
This is too easy.
I like things that are easy.
Oh, my God, Fine!
I don't know how
you do things like that.
Who's the finest of them all?
I don't know.
I'm guessing you?
Drop your weapon.
Fine, what's happening?
Let me guess.
Whoever is in your ear
wants to know
what's happening?
(SOFTLY) He's about to die.
That's what.
An awfully big gun
for such a little girl.
Oh, God, don't say
stuff like that.
Okay, there's a knife rack
directly to your right.
The way she's holding the gun,
she's not experienced.
If you duck and lunge, *duck 휙 수그리다 lunge 달려들다
you can get the knife
and disarm her.
Did someone just suggest
that you grab
one of those knives?
No, no, no!
Damn it!
Can they see me right now?
Let me adjust
the angle a little bit.
Oh, my God, Fine.
His name was Bradley Fine.
He worked for the CIA.
Other top agents include
Matthew Wright,
Timothy Cress...
Rick Ford and Karen Walker.
Come on, Fine. Come on.
I know who all
your active agents are.
So, unless you'd like
the body count to grow...
I suggest you stay
far away from me.
Now grab some tissues,
because shit's about
to get real sad. 곧 슬픈 일이 생길거야
FINE: No, no...
Oh, my God, Fine.
As Deputy Director... 부국장 으로서
I have never had
a more difficult duty...
than to bid farewell *말하다
to colleagues taken from us.
From Dover, 군인이든
to the family services... 민간인이든
to memorials like these...
it's tough to say goodbye.
There's nothing
you could have
done, Susan.
Bradley Fine was more than
just a coworker and a friend.
He was part of our family.
And as family,
even knowing that the universe
has a plan
for each human life...
it's hard to accept
the sudden loss
of such a good
and decent person.
Okay, there's a knife rack
directly to your right.
Susan, I got your assessment
report on Rayna Boyanov.
I know you're probably
feeling a lot of
emotion right now...
but please refrain from using
the term "thundercunt." *[Noun] (rare,vulgar,slang)Anextremelyobjectionableperson.*불쾌한, 무례한
Oh, my God.
I didn't realize
I wrote that.
I'm sorry.
Nancy, I'm sending
you a photo.
It's in pretty bad shape.
Can you enhance it?
How the fuck did this twat *등신, 멍청이
find out our fucking names?
We don't know.
And dial it way back
with the "T" word, Ford. *(euphemistic) The words ''tit'', ''twat'', ''turd'', ''terrorist'', or ''tranny''.
You're not immune
from the HR department.
Grow up.
And "twat" means
something completely
different in England.
Here it means a vagina.
Anyway, obviously
we're talking about a mole. *스파이, 두더지, 점
It could be a mole,
they could have hacked
our system.
It's anyone's guess. 확실한 건 없어
The bottom line is *핵심, 요점
Rayna Boyanov
is about to sell...
a small-scale tactical *소형 전략 핵폭탄
nuclear weapon to a terrorist organization...
and we don't know
where she or the bomb is.
Fortunately, our analyst
Susan Cooper found a lead. *실마리, 단서
Rayna had the number
of Sergio De Luca...
and we've long
suspected De Luca
of working as an intermediary 연결책 *중재자
with terrorist groups.
Rayna may be using him
to find buyers for the nuke.
The number was to an office
he keeps in Paris.
I told you
to send me in there
instead of Fine,
and you didn't.
And now Fine is dead.
I'm going the fuck in. 내가 가겠어요.
You can't.
We need someone to
follow De Luca
without being detected...
and that will hopefully
take us to Rayna...
but it can't be any of you.
Here's what we do...
I go into
the Face/Off machine,
get a whole new face.
I turn up,
they never know it's me.
Do you have quarters?
Because it costs 50 cents.
What, I gotta pay?
No, because it doesn't exist.
Yes, it does!
I heard Cress and Wright
talking about it in the shitter. *toilet
I'm pretty sure
they were pulling your leg.
You pair of fucking vaginas.
you've got to cut that out.
Jesus. Look, one of us has to go in.
Doesn't matter if we've been exposed.
We've all gone deep before, and we've always
gotten our guy. 의) 다 베테랑이고 항상 임무 완수 했잖아요.
Guys, this is more than
just a kill mission.
We can get Rayna, De Luca,
and some top terrorist leadership...
and get the weapon back
if we do this right.
We just need someone
who can shadow them *(흔히 비밀리에) 그림자처럼 따라다니다, 미행하다
without attracting attention.
We need someone invisible.
I'll do it.
Okay, thanks, lunch lady.
I'm serious.
I have never
been out in the field.
Exactly. Stupid fucking idea.
My point is that it's highly doubtful
that I've ever been exposed.
But you worked with Fine.
They may have
a record of you, too.
SUSAN: Possibly.
But the odds of them
knowing my face are very low.
Miss Crocker, I would
really like to do this.
For Fine.
You're not seriously
considering this, are you?
If you think
I'm gonna sit by
and let you send in
a fucking secretary...
to do my work...
you might as well accept
my resignation now.
If I can jump in, 끼어들어서 죄송하지만
I am technically, uh,
classified as an agent.
SUSAN: Full agent. So...
agent, agent, agent,
I'm an agent.
Are you considering this?
For your safety,
and the safety of
those around this table...
I am considering it.
Then consider this,
I quit.
And I know there's a fucking
Face/Off machine.
You're just keeping it
secret from me.
That hasn't happened before.
It is quite
a lovely office.
What's your deal, Cooper?
What do you mean?
You got a fiery side? 욱하는 기질
I really did, in that report,
mean to write "cunning."
I've been going over your files.
You were top of your class at the Academy,
in all computer and support skills.
No surprise there.
But you have a certain... tame demeanor *얌전한 태도
around the office,
that says you've never even held a gun.
So imagine my surprise...
when I saw footage from this drill back at The Farm. 그러니 내가 훈련 영상을 보고
SUSAN: Is that...
I can't even...
I can't really...
Is that me?
Stupid gun!
Somebody definitely
sped this up.
Ooh! Camera angle
and stuff make...
Cooper, Cooper, stop!
Jesus Christ, what are you...
Out of context, that's... *전후 관계[문맥, 정황]를 무시하고, 전후 관계와 분리하여
I must have watched
this 15 times now...
because what the fuck?
I almost put it up
on YouTube.
I was, to say the least, *조금도 과장하지 않고
uncomfortable with the event.
But I would also like to say,
it was over 10 years ago.
The instructor was not harmed.
Fine was your mentor, right?
Why did you not
become a field agent?
Well, we're such a great fit and a great team.
Fine made some great points.
Maybe I match better with,
just staying...
In his ear.
Yeah, he sniped you.
All the top agents used to do that
before I got here.
I really thought he made
some great points.
All right, have you had any
field training since then?
10 years is a long time.
No, ma'am.
Normally, I would send you back to The Farm, but there's no time...
and I can't take a chance of anyone leaking your name.
Am I going?
You're going.
Okay. Jeez. Sorry.
But it's a track and report 미행과 보고야.
mission only.
Got it.
We'll be giving you a new identity.
You'll no longer be Susan Cooper.
I had a few ideas for that.
Your new name...
I was just spitballing *To make a suggestion loosely,
and I thought...
Seraphina,Maddox, Gisele...
Carol Jenkins.
Carol Jenkins.
If I may, ma'am,
there was a 13-year-old girl named Carol...
that used to kind of take me around the neighborhood...
and use my braid as a dog leash...
and make me beg for biscuits...
Carol Jenkins.
Yes. Carol Jenkins, huh?
Carol Jenkins
is a single mother of four...
temporarily relocated from Delaware to increase sales
for a software company.
Okay, that is...
a different occup...
Is there a problem?
I was just wondering
if this was my family,
or if I had taken hostages.
I'm just not sure...
how De Luca is gonna
take me seriously
if I look like this.
De Luca is not going to
take you anything.
In case
you did not hear me..
you are not to make
direct contact
with any of the targets.
Track and report.
We're setting you up in a surveillance office
across the street from De Luca's.
You'll be tapped into the same telecom trunk...
to voice and data coming into his office...
and have access
and that is as sexy as it gets.
One mistake,
and we've got a nuclear bomb
in the hands of terrorists.
Do you understand?
Go see Patrick. He's got
special equipment for you.
Oh, my God.
What are you doing?
Oh, Did you come up
with your spy name yet?
Mine would be
"Amber Valentine."
That sounds like
you're an adult film star.
No, I did the spy
name formula.
"Amber" was the name of my first pet,
and I grew up on Valentine Street.
That's how you come up
with your porn name.
I thought it was
your spy name!
What would yours be?
"Meatball Martin
Luther King Jr. Boulevard."
Oh, my God.
This is so exciting!
You're a spy!
I know! I know!
Oh, my God!
You're gonna get
one of those!
SUSAN: No, I'm not!
Look at that!
NANCY: That looks high-tech.
It's like the future.
Hey, Patrick.
I was given specific
instructions by Elaine
to tailor these gadgets to you.
NANCY: Wow, look
at that watch.
These are not yours.
Is that a rape whistle?
Elaine wanted you
to only be carrying items
a single woman travelling
through Europe would have.
But she could get that
at any pharmacy.
Not this whistle.
When you blow
through this whistle,
a small, poisonous
dart flies out...
neutralizing your target.
Also, it needs
your fingerprints
on it to work.
That is really neat!
Stop it, that's amazing.
That is really super cool!
I love that!
This anti-fungal spray
can freeze and disable...
any security system.
That is quite an image to be
carrying all over Europe.
It's also a pepper spray.
Why not just make it
look like pepper spray?
That's a pretty good idea.
Well, next time.
I can wait,
if you want to print up
a new label.
No, I'd have to turn
the printer on again.
I don't really want to.
Each of these
are filled with chloroform.
Wow, that is an unsettling *마음을 불안하게 만드는, 동요시키는, 심란하게 하는
amount of hemorrhoid wipes. *〈병리〉치질, 치핵.
Makes me kind of wonder...
what, exactly,
is going on back there.
I wouldn't know.
I don't have that problem.
I don't have that problem.
If you ever feel like
you have been poisoned...
chew one of these.
(stool softener 변비 비켜)
Have I done something
to you to upset you?
Because this is
a peculiar theme.
Finally, every agent gets
a night vision scope...
hidden in their watch.
I have heard about this.
I've been looking...
Who's that?
That is Bette Midler
and Barbara Hershey.
From Beaches.
How much am I supposed
to like Beaches?
I would imagine a lot,
if you have the watch.
Hey, Pat, I'm flying!
PATRICK: Anthony!
Don't wear out
the battery on that.
Am I getting that?
No, you're not
gonna get that.
I've already packed your bags.
Hurry up and get dressed.
Carol Jenkins has to get
to the airport immediately.
And may I say...
I think it's very brave
of you to sacrifice
your life for your country.
I'm not sacrifi...
I'm coming back.
Let's see. 두고 보죠.
You look amazing, Susan.
I look like someone's
homophobic aunt.
Hotel Modiere, please.
This is so exciting.
The Louvre.
That's a beautiful hotel.
Not that one?
I hope it's that.
Is it that one?
Nope. Oh...
Maybe next time.
I think we're getting into
a little dicier of an area. *decey 위험한 US∙GB [ ˈdaɪsi ]
Ooh. That's a little unsavory. *불미스러운 ((도덕적으로))
I think we can probably
go back towards...
my hotel.
No, no, no.
No, this...
I don't believe this could be
the Hotel Modiere.
This is. Yes, it is.
Oh, man.
Keep it together,
Susan, okay?
Please tell me
you can hear me.
I'm here. I've got you.
You'll be pleased
to hear the bats
have officially gone.
We are now vermin free.
Did you get your gun, Carol?
Yes, and don't call me that.
Oh, my God. Cripes.
I think I'm having
a heart attack.
I can't do this, Nancy.
Fine was the real spy,
not me!
Don't worry.
I'm here for you, okay?
Everything is gonna be fine.
I'm gonna talk you
through this, all right?
Put your camera in.
I want to see your room.
No, you don't.
It's that bad.
Martha Stewart had
a breakdown, kind of feel.
NANCY: Oh. Wow.
Looks like they put you up
in The Shitz-Carlton.
Try and get some sleep...
and we'll get started
first thing in the morning.
I don't know
what I'm gonna do when
I see that Rayna woman.
I want her dead
for what she did to Fine.
Okay. Deep breaths.
Listen to me.
You're not gonna
get anywhere near her...
so there's nothing
to worry about.
there's a mouse on my tits.
I think you're safer there.
All right. Good night.
You got this, Susan. Okay.
You're a warrior.
You're a weapon. Okay?
This is no sweat.
FORD: Looks like
you're sweating to me.
What are you doing
in my room?
What, how did I get into
this shit-box hotel room?
Because I'm a real spy.
I thought you quit.
We have to stop the sale
of a nuclear bomb...
and they send in someone
who looks like
Santa Claus' fucking wife.
Did you forget?
I am undercover,
because you're not
supposed to be here.
Well, I make a habit
of doing things that
people say I can't do.
Walk through fire...water-ski blindfolded...take up piano at a late age...
and I'm gonna take down De Luca and Rayna and Dudaev...
and I'm gonna get that bomb back.
Why do you even
care what I do?
You really think
you're ready for the field?
I once used
defibrillators on myself. *제세동기 US∙GB [ diːˈfɪbrɪleɪtə(r) ]
I've pulled shards of glass *(유리·금속 등의) 조각[파편]
out of my fucking eye.
I've jumped
from a high-rise building...
using only a raincoat as a parachute...
and broke both legs upon landing.
And I still had to pretend
I was in a fucking
Cirque du Soleil show! *태양의서커스
I've swallowed enough microchips
and shit them back out again...
to make a computer.
This arm has been ripped off
and reattached with this fucking arm.
I don't know
that that's possible.
I mean, medically.
During the threat
of an assassination attempt...
I appeared, convincingly, *납득이 가도록
in front of Congress...
as Barack Obama.
In blackface?
That's not appropriate.
I watched the woman I love
get tossed from a plane...
and hit by another plane, midair.
I drove a car
off a freeway...
on top of a train...
while I was on fire.
Not the car.
I was on fire.
Jesus, you're intense.
I took this
from your minibar.
Well, that's not right.
You're gonna ruin
this mission.
No, you're gonna ruin
this mission!
You are.
No, you're going to!
You, times infinity. *phrase used to win an argument when no original comeback can be thought of
Could this hotel
be more murder-y?
Okay, so my office
is in here...
which means that De Luca
is right across
the street at 39...
Oh, God. Tell me that's not
De Luca's building?
De Luca must have known
we were coming.
What am I supposed to do now?
Okay, don't panic.
Lemonade out of lemons.
Stay focused. We can do this.
Excuse me, please.
When was that fire?
Last night. Quite a blaze.
May I?
Go ahead, go ahead.
Does that man
live on this street?
No, I do not know him.
Okay, I've got it.
I'll run it through
the system.
It will take a few minutes.
NANCY: Nothing's coming up.
Might just be a looky-loo. *구경꾼
SUSAN: Keep looking.
I've got a feeling about this guy.
Well I've got a feeling you're
about to fuck things up.
Oh, bugger me *빌어먹을 (…은) 상관없어(짜증스러움을 나타냄)
with a fish pole.
It's Ford.
Ford's in the field.
Did you know this?
Until he checks in,
there's nothing I can do.
You go make some friends,
and stop stalking me!
Was it your mission
to tip off the target * 다 쏟다. (불법 행위가 있을 것임을 알려 주는) 제보, 귀띔
so he burns everything
in advance?
If so, well done.
Phenomenal job.
I'm sure they got suspicious
because they've been seeing
you all over the place!
You're gonna
get yourself killed.
Nothing kills me.
I'm immune to 179
different types of poison.
I know, because I ingested
them all at once...
when I was deep undercover...
in an underground,
poison-ingesting crime ring.
It was like dog fighting.
But instead of dogs fighting,
it was humans ingesting poison...
and rich people would bet...
whether we would
live or die.
Yeah, I'm having
a hard time with this one.
I died for five minutes,
and then I came back to life.
What's he wear...?
He looks like
he's in the cast of Newsies. *[음악] 뉴시스(뮤지컬)
Does Crocker
even know you're here?
I don't need
anyone's permission
to save the country...
and avenge my dear friend
Bradley Fine's death.
You didn't even like him.
You used to call him
"Beverly Whine"!
You had him as Secret Santa
and you gave him tampons!
It's called
the rivalry of men.
You wouldn't understand.
Unless you've got a dong up
underneath that skirt.
That is super rude,
and don't say "dong"...
and don't do that!
Nobody sees me
when I don't want them to.
I move like a fucking shadow.
He's gone all sorts of rogue. *(행동은 못됐지만 해를 끼칠 정도는 아닌) 악당[불한당] (같은 녀석), (=scoundrel)
Sharon says
he really did quit.
Elaine couldn't stop him.
He's out for blood.
Yeah, real tough guy in his
Louis Vuitton backpack.
(MOUTHING) Man on the move.
Nancy, do you see that?
It's the man from the fire.
I'm following him.
Oh. Exciting!
And I'm following you,
following him,
so I'm having
quite a day, here.
Do you think Ford's
leading him into a trap?
Idiot doesn't even know
he's being followed.
He's meeting
with some woman.
I don't recognize her.
You have any idea
who she is?
No, it's hard to make out.
Can you get any closer?
Nancy, our guy
just switched out
Ford's backpack.
It's a setup. *[미·구어] 계획; 상황
I gotta go warn him!
(SHOUTING) Ford! Ford!
Look out!
I gotta get through!
I left my baby in the shop!
Get out of the way!
Let me through, I'm sick!
Susan, tell them
you've shat your pants.
That would get me
out of your way, for sure.
I've shat my pants!
Excuse me. Ford!
He's got a friend.
Hello, everybody!
I need the mic!
No! I need...
No, no, no!
Susan, you're meant
to be blending in.
What are you doing?
God! Move!
Rick Ford!
Give me the mic!
How are you doing
this in heels? 힐 신고 어떻게 해
Oh, God.
Rick Ford!
They switched the bag!
Oh, fuck.
Get out of the fucking way!
Get out of his way!
♪ I want to see ♪
Oh, no.
Nancy, I'm in pursuit
of one of the terrorists!
He took my picture!
He's gonna blow my cover!
You're in pursuit?
What in God's name are you
gonna do if you catch him?
Knock him out
with a hemorrhoid wipe.
I don't know!
I'm just gonna track him
and report his location.
This all seems
very Rick Ford-y to me.
I do not condone these sexy *용납하다
but reckless actions
of yours, Susan!
(PANTING) Oh, God.
He went into a building.
Well done. That's it.
Time to call it a day.
Location is officially noted.
I'm following him in.
I'm doing this for Fine.
(SOFTLY) He's at
the top of the stairs.
Oh, gosh, please be careful.
You are incredibly
out of your league.
This is just like when I
watched myself in a sex tape.
There was just
a lot of floundering * (어쩔 줄 몰라서) 허둥대다[당황하다]
and laughable moments.
Nancy, I need you to
not talk until I ask you to.
I'm sorry, it's just that
I'm really nervous.
Be careful, Susan.
Oh, hey.
Imagine running *…와 우연히 만나다
into you up here.
I was just looking
for my bird.
Just looking...
Hey, Mr. Beanbag!
You like birds?
All right. All right.
I'm gonna give you
a warning.
I don't wanna see any more
of that funny bomb stuff,
you know?
All right. That's enough.
Drop the knife,
or I'll shoot.
I don't think you will.
You see, it works better
when you have the bullets
inside the gun.
I guess that CIA training
isn't what it used to be.
I guess you're
right, asshole.
No, no, no!
Oh, God!
Oh, Susan, what did you do?
Oh, God, not on him.
Not on him!
ELAINE: Well, Rayna's people
obviously knew
Ford was in Paris.
And getting footage...
of a CIA operative * 美 (특히 정부 기관의) 정보원[첩보원]
setting off a bomb
in public...
would be a PR coup
for any terrorist group.
Do we have anything on
that woman he met?
Facial recognition
isn't showing anything.
They were all over Ford.
Are you able to track him?
Goddamn Ford is still
off the grid in Paris. *美 (전기·가스·수도 등의) 공공설비를 사용하지 않는, 잠수타다
I know because
he keeps trying
to hack into our
system for intel. *정보
He's like a dog that gets
loose from his yard...
and keeps humping
and shitting his way
through the neighborhood.
SUSAN: Oh, God. A video.
DE LUCA: You get
everything on camera.
Base out of the hotel,
and go back there
after the attack.
I'll take Renaldo to Rome.
Do we have a record
of anyone with that name?
Not that I'm aware of.
DE LUCA: Nicola.
Are you
listening to me?
I was just testing
the camera.
Stop it!
Find Ford!
Nancy, can you pull up
Fine's POV cam *point of view 시점
from Boyanov's office?
Look on the desk.
There's some photos there.
See if you find one of him
standing next to a car.
Renaldo is a Rolls-Royce.
Hack into the Rolls'
tracking system.
That car is a Wraith,
so it has a satellite-aided
Then tap into Boyanov's feed. *…을 활용[이용]하다 *피드
His GPS should tell you
exactly where De Luca
is in Rome, right now.
I'm gonna head
to the airport.
Forget it, Cooper.
You're coming back
Ma'am, I really think
I can do this.
And I'm not one
to toot my own horn, *자화자찬 하다 *toot 英 (빵 하고 자동차) 경적을 울리다
but you know what?
I'm gonna toot...
and say that I just saved
a lot of people.
We are so close to getting
Rayna and that bomb.
Pull back the rug
in the corner.
You'll be given
a new identity.
Oh, thank God.
Oh, no!
Your name is Penny Morgan.
You're a divorced
housewife from Iowa.
You've sold
more Mary Kay products... *다단계 회사 인 듯
than anyone else
in your state...
and you've traded in
the free car you've won...
to fund a trip through Europe.
My hobbies
are decoupage
and needlepoint.
I collect porcelain dolls...
and I'm the vice president
of the Ames Garden Club.
I couldn't even be president?
Maybe I should just be married to
one of the dolls...
just to make it extra sad.
Ten cats.
Why do I have ten cats?
Is that even legal?
Fine always got to be
a businessman.
One time
he was a race car driver.
Well, there's the ten cats.
Just missing a shirt
that says
I've never felt
the touch of a man.
Cooper, you're right.
You did good work back there.
That would have been
a real mess.
Thank you, ma'am.
You still went
with the cat lady.
It was already
in the floor.
Great, that's a real
confidence builder.
Did you find De Luca?
NANCY: He's been
at the Majestic Hotel,
but he's just left,
south, okay?
I'll guide you to him.
I've sent an ally
to drive you.
Elaine said nothing fancy,
so I've gone with earthy. *저속한
Ooh. Whoa.
You wanna stop the car?
Welcome to Roma!
Thank you.
Thank you.
I'm Aldo.
Like the shoe store
found in American malls.
I'm Penny, like the penny.
Like a penny!
Or like penne alla vodka!
Did you just grab my butt?
Come. We need
to get you to De Luca.
SUSAN: Jiminy Christmas!
Oh, my God!
Don't worry, I have you!
Aldo, slow down!
Nancy, are you sure this guy
is even an agent?
He's the best!
There have been
some complaints
filed against him.
Watch the road,
watch the road!
Watch the road!
Oh, my God!
Watch the road!
Wow, Aldo is making
great time.
A dead end!
This can't be right!
Oh, my God!
Ah! God!
Intriguing lady, *(특이하거나 분명한 해답이 없어서) 아주 흥미로운
we are here.
Now, you must go...
because I fear if I stare
into your beautiful
green eyes
a moment longer...
I will fall in love.
Oh! Too late.
My God, does
that ever work?
I will take that as...
That's a "no."
A "no."
Take that as a "no."
You were
just hitting on me. *(성적으로 끌리는 사람에게) 수작을 걸다
I like to play the odds. *노름[내기]하다
Here is my phone number.
Memorize it, then burn it.
Do you have
something for me?
Do I have something
for you?
Would you like
something from me?
Not that.
What do you want from me?
You're supposed to have
an envelope with my gun
in it.
I don't have a gun.
I am just aroused *[동사] (성욕을) 자극하다 (=excite)
from looking at you.
It was joke.
There is no gun.
They said you would no longer
be needing one.
Good luck!Ciao!
Good gravy.
Was Pepe Le Pew
not available?
complaining, Suzie.
You're getting more action
than I have had in days.
Three years and 40 days.
Do we have an update
on De Luca?
Yes, he should be
pulling up... *멈추다[서다]
right about now.
Oh, wow. He is hot.
I'm not gonna lie to you.
I don't think
I can be objective anymore.
I'm rooting for that guy. *응원하다
I want him to win.
I'm joking, Susan.
Don't report me.
He's handsy. *다른 사람을 자꾸 만지려 하는 사람
Let's set up camp in
the pastry shop behind you.
According to Aldo,
De Luca spends
all night in the casino.
I'm going in, Nancy.
Susan, you heard Elaine.
Track and report.
No contact!
I'll track De Luca inside,
then I'll report.
And if he initiates
contact with me...
I'll just go with it.
Your "cat lady" look
is not gonna fit in
in there.
That's why Penny Morgan is
gonna burn her cat T-shirt...
and spend some
of that Mary Kay money.
This is full-blown rogue! *완전히 진행된 *rogue [형용사] 독자적으로 행동하는 (흔히 해를 끼치기도 하는)
그건 명령 불복종이야
♪ Yeah, I'm a diva
♪ Living in the club
I don't need nobody
♪ I'm doing my own thing
♪ All I really want
to do is party ♪
You guys are terrible!
I really hope De Luca
is still in there,
for your sake.
And they're not gonna
reimburse you for all that.
You should have gone
to cheaper stores, Susan.
Okay, I'm going offline,
No, wait!
♪ I'm a diva
♪ Doing my thing
Don't need nobody ♪
Well, buongiorno, boys!
If I'm not out in 10 minutes,
it's because I won the place. 내가 10분 안에 안 나오면 이 카지노 딴 거 예요.
Let me just
rub that for luck.
Oh, that's an oily scalp.
I'm sorry,
but I have to
check you in.
Your name, please?
Penny Morgan.
I don't see you
on the list.
I'm so sorry.
She's with me.
You're late.
The way you look...
I'd say it was more
than worth the wait. Come.
Let's get a drink.
Ow. Ow.
Such a gentleman.
You look absolutely stunning
tonight here, darling.
What the fuck are you doing
in here, arsehole?
That's quite a tone
change, isn't it?
What are you doing in here?
You are completely
compromising me right now. *(특히 무분별한 행동으로) ~을 위태롭게 하다
I'm compromising you?
Fucking hilarious.
You were about
to cause a scene *소란을 피우다
trying to get into
this fucking place.
Give me a little credit. *나도 그정도는 알아
What do you think
I'm gonna do?
Run over there and be like,
"Hey, I'm a crazy lady!
"Where's the buffet?
I'm from the Midwest.
"Where's Blue Man Group?"
I am not an idiot, Ford.
You are an idiot.
You should not be
in this casino...
because De Luca is here
and I need to get
close to him.
How you gonna do that,
How you gonna do that?
What, are you gonna
seduce him?
That your big fucking plan?
Yeah, what if it is?
Why is that so hard
to believe?
a flute player
in a wedding band
Because you look like
That's fucking why!
I'm here to take De Luca out.
Ooh. It sounds romantic.
I hope you get lucky!
God damn it, if I was trying
to sound romantic...
you'd be lying on the floor,
soaking wet and breathless...
wondering what came over you.
But I'm not,
so get the fuck out
of my way!
I need you to rein it in, 진정해요.
buddy, okay?
If you take out De Luca,
we don't have a shot *…을 시도하다
at getting Rayna.
So take it down, like, *진정하세요!
5,000 notches!
Take it down?
That's how you get
polonium-210 slipped
into your drink...
and go 18 months
in intensive care *a section of a hospital where special medical equipment and services are provided for patients who are seriously injured or ill
for radiation poisoning...
and go six months
without eyesight...
while everybody you've
ever loved is gunned down! * shoot (someone) with a gun
Really? Everybody
that you love
has been gunned down,
and just you survive?
Did you ever think that
maybe everybody you love
is not being killed...
but they're killing themselves
because they can't stand
to be around you?
This shit's the real deal,
life and death.
This, the field...
is a hell of a lot different
than sitting behind
your fucking monitor...
googling shit.
Stay away from me, Ford.
And do not let
De Luca see you.
And by the way,
I can see your gun
sticking out
of your back pocket.
Unless you're so extreme that
you've got a second dick...
coming out of your hip!
yes yes
these seats are reserved.
Of course they are.
I'm gonna have to ask you
to wait outside.
Yes, absolutely.
Nope, not a door?
I knew that.
Of course it's not a door.
It probably
happens all the time.
It's never happened before.
Now, right here is okay.
No more exploring, please.
Okay. Lovely.
From Mr. De Luca.
Susan. Oh, my God! Hi!
I found her.
I found Rayna.
She's with De Luca.
You did it!
Excellent tracking
and reporting, madam.
Oh, my God.
Somebody just put
something in her drink.
NANCY: What is it?
Is it poison?
I don't think
it's a fiber supplement.
She killed Fine, Nance.
I could really enjoy just
watching her die right now.
She's the only one who knows
where the bomb is...
so Dudaev would never
get his hands on it.
Oh, God, Susan.
What are you gonna do?
Excuse me, ma'am.
Hi, do you speak English?
Because I think somebody just
put a roofie in your cocktail. *The date rape drug flunitrazepam.
Are you sure
it wasn't you?
What? No! God, I would never!
Could you point
the man out?
He just kind of
zipped out that door. *떠나다. 나가다.
He's wearing a purple bowtie.
Thank you, Miss...
Oh. Penny. Morgan.
But it's no trouble, really. *별 일 아닙니다.
I think us ladies
have to watch out
for each other.
This kind of thing
happens all the time.
People often try
to roofie you?
Once, I asked someone
for a Tylenol,
and they gave me
a Tylenol PM. 수면제를 주더라고요. *불면증을 동반할 때 먹는 진통제
I'm not sure what
their intentions were, but...
It seems
they may have found him.
Would you come with me
to identify him?
Yes. Of course.
I'm happy to help.
(SOFTLY) Holy shit.
My friend here
said she saw you
put something in my drink.
I don't know
any of you people. Okay?
I'm just in Rome
on business.
I was about to head back
to my hotel and go to sleep.
Perfect. Just in time *마침 좋은 때에
for a nightcap. *(잠자리에 들기 전에 마시는) 밤 술 한 잔
Apparently, there's nothing
wrong with it.
I don't want your drink.
Fuck you, Rayna.
Mmm. Scrumptious. *비격식 아주 맛있는 (=delicious)
So, joke's on you. *참 운도 없지.
(CHOKING) Fuck you!
Fuck you!
How long was I out?
You fainted just long enough
for us to laugh at you.
What happened?
It was all a dream.
I'm just kidding.
A man's throat dissolved. 남자 목이 녹아버렸죠. *녹다
Sorry, I'm not usually,
you know...
Oh, thank you. That's...
surprisingly polite.
Sorry about that.
I've seen a lot of things
in my day. I just haven't...
I have never seen that,
Penny, do you feel the need
to tell anybody about
what you just saw?
I'm not gonna tell anybody.
That asshole got what he deserved.
I knew from the second
I saw him, I thought...
"That guy doesn't
deserve a throat."
So, good on you.
I would like to take you
to dinner to say thank you.
And we must discuss
this hideous dress. *흉측한, 흉물스러운, 끔찍한 (=revolting)
It's just hysterical. *비격식 너무나도 웃기는 (=hilarious)
Oh, good,
that's what I was hoping for.
And by the way...
Hristo was supposed to be
looking after me at the bar...
and making sure nobody
put anything in my drinks.
(SIGHS) They'll give him
a talking-to.
Seems fair.
Maybe dock him a day's wage. *(임금 등에서) ~을 빼다[공제하다]
Or shoot him in the head.
That always works.
Rome is quite amaz...
Rome is the worst.
So boring and tacky. *비격식 싸구려 같은, 조잡한, 엉성한
I'm so glad one of us
finally said it. (LAUGHS)
You have lipstick
on your teeth.
Looks like you ate
a box of crayons.
Damn it.
Here we are.
These should have been
brought out
when we first sat down.
That's exactly
what I was thinking.
So far, I'm riddled with *(특히 나쁜 것이) 가득하다[–투성이이다]
disappointment at the service.
So sorry.
Signora, I apologize.
I once saw someone eat...
one of these before.
This is...strange.
Do you always tear your food
up into little pieces?
You look like a squirrel.
I was just checking for the consistency. *(혼합물이나 용액의) 농도[밀도]
You eat like a baby.
Thank you.
So, do you like
to have a look
at the wine list?
Yes. Penny, you can order.
Okay. Oh!
Has some heft. *(무게를 가늠하기 위해) 들어올려 보다
I'm feeling a red.
Kind of a red.
I like a lot of noise.
I like a little bit of...
kind of a barky finish. *나무껍질로 덮인, 나무껍질 비슷한
I tend to like a white...
with the grit of a hummus... *후무스(병아리콩 으깬 것과 오일, 마늘을 섞은 중동 지방 음식)
that's, of course,
been thinned out. *솎다
Okay, here.
I will have
the Sapori e Delizie.
That is the name
of this restaurant.
Yes, I'm aware of that.
So, why don't you
surprise us...
with something
that we don't know?
Like a delicious
bottle of wine.
Right. Sorry, I will be back
in five minutes, okay?
So hard to get
good help these days.
Don't you find that?
When I was a little girl
growing up in Bulgaria...
which is the worst,
by the way.
Poor people everywhere and
cabbages constantly cooking.
There was this woman who was
kicked out of her house...
and she lost all her money.
She couldn't even
sell her body.
So she became a clown
on the streets.She would perform
all her tricks
standing in mud,
and just cry and cry.
You remind me of this woman.
Oh. Thank you.
Come on.
We're going to Budapest.
I have some business
to finish there...
and you can take my private jet
when we're done...
anywhere you want to get home.
My way of repaying you
for saving my life.
Is there a problem?
No. Not at all. Let's go.
Hey! Wait, what?
I'm just talking
to the girl!
Okay, okay.
Let's not make a scene.
Let me just
get my room key out...
and I'll grab a bag
and pack my things.
It's Susan.
She's sending a code.
RAYNA: No, they can
fly you back later.
And if the rest
of your clothes
look like that dress...
...I can send someone
to burn them for you.
"...the power."
Quite a zinger! * 美 재치[재미] 있는 말
Shut down the power
to the Casino Di Rome.
Shut the entire bloody
grid down, then! Now! 그럼 구역 전체를 끊어. 당장! *英 금기어 속어 빌어먹을, 지랄 같은; 끝내주는(많은 사람들이 불쾌하게 여기는 표현임)
That would be great.
MAN: Everybody, please
remain calm and stay
where you are.
Oh, no!
What's happening?
(MOUTHING) I've got this. 여긴 내게 맡겨요.
What the fuck just happened?
God damn it.
Oh, my God! Rayna.
Thank God
your hair broke your fall.
I don't know what happened.
The lights were going out,
and I don't know
if it's a robbery.
Two of your guys slammed *(~이) ~에 쾅 하고 충돌하다[충돌하게 하다]
into me and took you down.
I think one of them
touched my bottom.
Are they gonna be okay?
I wouldn't
worry about them.
Their fate has just been sealed. *그들의 운명은 막 결정되었다. seal 확정짓다, 다짐하다
Sorry. I'll let you go.
Shame on you!
This is a really jazzy plane. *요란한, 화려한 (=snazzy)
Is this yours?
It was my father's.
You've never been
on a private jet before?
Oh, no.
I did get upgraded
to premium economy once...
which was pretty plush. *비격식 아주 안락한, 고급의 (=luxurious)
Premium economy.
Sounds like a pen *n (가축의) 우리
for dirty animals.
Yeah, probably.
But it was not
quite like this.
Thank you.
Why are you being
so nice to me?
Can't just be because
I remind you
of some sad Bulgarian clown.
You remind me of my mother.
You know that you and I
are pretty close in age.
You're funny.
It's the Bulgarian
clown in you.
She was marvelous.
But she was different.
Eccentric, like you are. *괴짜인, 별난, 기이한
The moment I saw you
standing there
in that abortion of a dress...
Ah... Come on.
...it was as if to say...
"This is what I've got, world.
It's hideous, but it's mine."
This was her.
Oh, wow.
Hey, how'd you get
that picture of me?
I look amazing.
Hello, doppelganger.
She was the only person
I could ever trust.
Well, here's to your mom.
To my mother. And to you.
And here's to you.
You may never
be as wise as an owl...
but you'll always
be a hoot to me. *비격식 아주 우스운[재미있는] 상황[사람]
What a stupid fucking
retarded toast.
You're delightful.
As are you.
Now, where did you say
we were headed?
Did you say where?
Oh, God.
PATRICK: If you ever feel like
you have been poisoned...
chew one of these.
Chew one of these.
What happened?
I've never seen somebody
dive for stool softener before.
That's one thing that happened.
What did you do?
Did you drug me?
Of course I did.
I told you,
I can't trust anybody.
I had to look through your things.
Anyway, tell me...
are your hemorrhoids
particularly large,
or just tenacious? *(예상보다 더) 오래 계속되는[지속적인]
Stop texting!
I'm not texting,
if you must know.
I'm playing Candy Crush
and I just made level 95.
God, that is so rude!
Jesus, Colin,
what the fuck are you doing?
I'm sorry, Rayna,
but there's been
a change of plans.
Who paid you off, Colin?
Colin hasn't worked here for,
like, eight months.
I'm Fredrick.
Is that why you're doing this?
Because I don't remember your fucking name?
Let's just say there's some people
who really want
what you're selling.
You don't have to do this.
I can give you a very
comfortable life, Col...
You forgot my name again,
didn't you?
No, I didn't.
Don't say fucking Colin.
Fuck! I don't give a shit *To care about someone or something.
what your name is.
You're the fucking help!
Nice try, Colin...
but Stan and I
already sold it to...
It's Fredrick!
Sorry, lady, but they only
paid me for one...
Come on!
Rayna! Go to the cockpit *(항공기·보트·경주용 자동차의) 조종석
and level us out! *(착륙 직전에) 수평 비행을 하다. 안정시키다
Like I know how to fly
a fucking airplane!
That was weird.
Blow that thing
all you want, lady.
Yeah? Why don't
you blow me, Colin.
Ow! It's Fredrick.
Oh, for fuck's sake! *제발 (부탁이니)
I got it.
I know what to do.
Are you okay?
I've got a dead man's
head up my ass.
This one's for Fine.
Downdraft! *하강 기류
Not again!
Do you have any idea
what you're fucking doing?
The controls
are so sensitive.
Oh, God.
One of these dead fuckers
just shit his pants.
Okay, wait a minute.
I got it.
I think I got... Okay.
Good thing I learned to use
that flight simulator app,
Penny Morgan.
You just blew your cover. *정체를 드러내다; 신분이 노출되다;
Now put the plane
on autopilot and get up.
Any bullshit,
and I'll blow
your CIA brains
all over that control panel.
I know what
you're thinking.
And you're wrong.
My real name is...
Did you come up
with your spy name yet?
Mine would be...
Amber Valentine.
What are you, a porn star?
You're fucking hilarious, huh?
I'm a private bodyguard,
and your father hired me
to protect you.
Bodyguard? You? Please.
That's funny,
because the way I see it, without me... 왜냐면 내가 봤을 때 로는
you would currently be crashed in the Alps right now.
Or you'd be laying in a morgue with a hole burned in your throat. *시체 안치소, 영안실 (→mortuary)
You little spoiled piece of shit.
Why would my father hire
somebody like you?
Because he trusted me.
And for whatever
fucking reason,
he loved you.
Didn't even want you to know
I was watching you.
So he was the one that made me come up with this whole loser
Penny Morgan bullshit.
Yeah, "You look
just like my dead mama.
And fuck you for saying
I look anything like that fucking beast.
No wonder your father
never had the son he wanted.
You fuck that monster once...
and you just drop the fucking mic and walk out.
Fuck you. Everything
you've said is a lie.
What happened? Did I hit
a little sore spot?
Yeah, he always
wanted a son,
and you knew it.
Look, he wanted you
to take over the business.
He was just afraid you were
gonna get yourself killed.
So if you wanna live,
and you wanna unload that bomb... *비격식 [VN] (특히 불법으로·좋지 못한 것을) 없애다[처분하다]
you stick with me. *1.~의 곁에 머물다
And if you got a problem with that...
you know what you can do, Rayna?
You and your bullshit accent
can land this fucking plane
by yourselves.
Okay, bodyguard.
But if I find out you're lying to me
about any of this...
I'll show you ways to die you never even dreamed of.
Now, let's go to Budapest.
I need a fucking drink.
Yeah, I bet you fucking do.
Oh, my God.
♪ People want my power
And they want my station
♪ Stormed my winter palace
But they couldn't take it
♪ Try to pull my status
But they couldn't fake it ♪
Welcome back to the
Four Seasons Budapest,
Miss Boyanov.
Don't talk to me.
You're not my friend.
Get away from me.
Move. Move! I got it.
So, what's the plan?
Who are we meeting?
you're my bodyguard,
not my business partner...
so just focus on guarding my body.
So not knowing who we're meeting tonight is gonna make me extra effective.
That's okay. I get it.
I got shit to do. 나도 할 일 많거든
You'll probably be fine.
Why don't I go get you a nice dress to be buried in?
I'm meeting a potential bidder,
if you must know.
If they don't top the current offer, *최고이다, 1위를 하다
the sale will happen tomorrow.
I don't know yet.
Anton is part
of my security team,
Yeah, well, guess what?
I don't like his face.
I don't like the looks
of your face!
And who the fuck are you?
I'm the person that's gonna
cut your dick off
and glue it to your forehead...
so you look like a limp-dick unicorn. *美속어 무기력한 (녀석).
That's who the fuck I am.
Your name should be
"Mr. Bag o' Dicks"...
not "Anton."
Okay. Jesus.
Let's just calm down, okay?
Does he not look like
a bag o' dicks?
I can see why my father liked you now.
Amber is my hired bodyguard.
Be more like her.
And your head better not have broken
my fucking phone.
We've got a big night
ahead of us.
Don't be afraid
to clean yourself up, Amber.
Take a shower is what I'm saying.
Yeah? Don't be afraid
to hit water yourself.
You smell like a dead hooker
that washed up on the beach...
then roasted in the sun for a week
before anybody found her body.
Okay. You need to take it way down. *Take it down. 진정하세요!
I'm sorry, that's too much.
Okay, that was too much.
Too much.
What are you staring at?
Give me your fucking coat.
This is a man's coat.
Yeah, but I don't
see a man, do I?
I see a reject from The Sound of Music.
Well, I won't
give it to you.
I've been in this dress for 12 fucking hours.
Give me your coat.
I'm gonna take
that fucking coat.
I warned you, you Swedish
gummy fish motherfucker!
ANTON: Ouch!
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, Susan!
Hello. Hello?
Just say something
to me, please.
Susan? Anything.
I cannot handle this,
There is nothing in real life that someone could do to a spy...
that is filthier or more upsetting than what my brain will cook up right now.
So save me from myself,
Because you know what's going to happen.
I'm gonna get chattier,
aren't I?
Did you know that you can't ever change having big pores?
Oh, my God, Nancy,
you are driving me nuts!
I couldn't talk because
I was in an elevator filled with people.
You're all right.
Oh, thank God.
You disappeared for 12 hours.
We didn't know what happened!
I had to take out my earpiece and my camera.
Rayna's on to our agents and she was gonna spot my equipment from a mile away.
You're with Rayna?
You're not supposed to be within a mile away of her.
Nancy, I know,
but I'm in deep and I'm getting such good intel. 하지만 난 깊이 파고들어 좋은 정보를 얻고 있어
I just need to remain on radio silence
just a little bit longer.
Well, don't worry,
because I'll be able
to keep a better eye on you now.
What are you
talking about? How?
What are you doing here?
Elaine wanted to know
exactly what you were up to...
so I tracked your earpiece.
They sent me here to find you.
They sent you?
I'm as unknown as you are,
so they thought my cover was safe.
Did they give you
an identity?
It's so cool.
I said I wanted to be
Amber Valentine...
...and they let me use it.
I don't know why you got
to pick your identity.
I had to go
as a freaking cat lady.
RAYNA: Amber!
BOTH: Yes?
Who is this?
I'm sorry. I didn't know
the police were here.
This is my colleague,
The one I fucking told you about.
No, you didn't.
Yes, I did, Helen Keller!
You're both named Amber?
What did I tell you
about talking to me?
Nothing. You just said
nothing about talking.
You want me to have Cagney and fucking Lacey explain it to you?
Cagney's coming down your fucking throat.
Lacey, she's gonna come up your ass.
I'm gonna meet them in the fucking middle...
and play your heart like a fucking accordion.
I'm gonna pump that shit until it pops.
You Swedish bitch.
You wouldn't dare.
You gonna cry, you little
Swiss fucking pussy?
I'm not gonna cry.
You're crying now!
I'm not!
It's so fucking hot!
You know, just,
let's leave Anton
alone for now.
What's your name?
Susan Cooper.
Sorry, it came out.
What did I...
She's not supposed to fucking say her real name.
She's one of my best.
She's highly fucking skilled.
Very skilled.
At what? Getting things
out of a high cupboard?
Don't do that.
That's very good!
Because I'm tall.
Weirdly, I'm not very good
at reaching high things.
A doctor once said to me
I have the muscle capacity
of an infant.
My arms are like two noodles.
Susan, get Rayna
to safety, now!
I've got her.
Get away!
Oh, my God!
Who puts a roof on a scooter?
What are you, the Pope?
Get out of the way!
Oh, my God!
This guy is driving crazy!
I can't keep up with him!
Wait a minute.
I got it.
All right, little detour.
Oh, God.
Let's do this!
I am so badass!
I got it.
I know what you're saying.
You're no prize yourself! 너 자신은 아무 가치도 없어!
Get back to work!
Where are we going?
Smells like cheese
under here!
(PANTING) Stick with me.
You'll be safe.
Crawl with me.
I must protect you!
Crawl with me!
Fucking ridiculous
clown show!
This fuckery stops now.
Excuse me, do you know
if there's a Popeyes Chicken
around here?
I saw a KFC down the way,
but I'm more of a Popeyes guy. *I'm more of the...저는 약간 그래도 뭔가...
The food is really weird...
Oh, my God,
I'll ask someone else!
Okay, enough!
Drop your weapon!
Oh, my God. Karen.
Why aren't you in Capri?
I'm so sorry I shot you.
You must not have known it was me, either.
I changed my hair.
Oh, yeah.
Looks really good.
Are those extensions?
No, it's just my hair.
You know, a few clips.
Okay, if you say so.
I'm sorry. And I'm sorry
about this, too.
Oh, my God.
No, no, no!
Susan! My thighs
are on fire!
I don't care!
Where is Rayna?
I don't know.
She slipped off me.
I was very sweaty.
Karen Walker is dead.
She's a double agent! *이중 스파이
Somebody shot her
right in front of me.
I don't know who did it.
I don't know how deep
this whole thing goes.
Oh, my God.
Get your motherfucking
asses up here!
Shit! People are trying to kill me
and all that's left of my fucking security team
is you two defending me...
and you look like somebody's
demented aunts on vacation!
Do you have anyone
on your team... other than this asthmatic Big Bird? *천식 환자
Yeah, we usually just use her
for non-physical security resources.
I'm very non-physically
I do a lot of reading.
I read palms and maps...
and I've read all of
The Hunger Games...
How is that helpful?
I don't know.
I'm panicking! *v. panic - panics - panicked - panicking
And you!
You have to stop with these
stupid Penny Morgan outfits!
You have to dress
like an actual human!
Get me more security
when I come back out here
or you're both dead!
♪ I am cold blooded ♪
Suck on this, Rayna.
This mission's gonna
cost you money, you know.
The clothing allowance
cut off halfway
through the last...
My God, can you just
please concentrate
on getting the new bodyguard?
God damn it! Please!
All right, all right.
Crabby. *비격식 괴팍한
I've already contacted
the agency.
Aw. Come on!
You, in this outfit...
Do we have anything yet?
NANCY: No one so far, Susan.
Slightly intimidating
crowd, however.
Hello, you look nice.
Ah, just keep laughing.
Looks fade.
Keep your eyes open.
God damn it,
I told you to dress up.
And take off those gloves.
You look like
The only reason I'm wearing these gloves
is because I don't know what kind of woodland creature...
is gonna come crawling out of that fucking nest on top of your head
Keep an eye out *keep an eye out[open] for…을 감시[경계]하고 있다
for this woman.
She's the one coming
to make the bid.
He's got a friend.
I need you to keep
your eyes open.
I may need
your help out there.
To close my eyes
in the presence
of this beautiful body...
would be a crime.
Oh, God.
Nancy, okay,
you know the woman
I spotted in Paris,
the bomber?
She's coming tonight
to make a bid.
She already works for De Luca
so we know something is up.
I need you to keep an...
God..Son of a bee sting.
Excuse me, he's mine.
I didn't mean
to hit her that hard.
You're like a balloon animal.
Here, take those.
Hi. What are you doing, Ford?
I'm here to help you, Cooper.
You may have found Rayna,
but you cannot lose her.
This isn't fucking
playtime anymore!
It's playtime on your face,
with your stupid mustache!
You look like
a perverted bus driver!
Get out.
Let go!
Yeah, who's dominating now?
You're putting this entire operation in danger.
Your little girlfriend from the Paris bombing...
is on her way here to meet Rayna.
And if she sees you or me, my cover's blown,
and then we're both dead!
Just worry about
yourself, Cooper.
Thank you
for the beautiful ladies.
You guys okay?
Let's welcome Mr. 50 Cent!
What's up, Budapest?
I just had some goulash. *굴라시(고기에 파프리카를 넣은 헝가리 스튜 요리)
The shit was on point!
♪ Get the party rockin'
Bottles poppin'
♪ Tonight we gonna
turn up till we
♪ Twisted
Oh, shit. She's here.
We can't let Rayna see her...
so you need to take out
her bodyguards
and I'll deal with her.
Ain't nobody orders
me around!
God, do you have
a better idea?
Yeah, we release a gas in the club...
causing everybody to get
temporary amnesia. *기억 상실(증)
Get 100 sticks of dynamite...
Oh, God! Just go!
Just go!
Nancy, I need you
to get in here now.
I'm coming, Susan. I'm here!
Pardon. Excuse me.
Okay. I'm here. I'm here.
♪ Turn up
Wow! 50 Cent Piece!
Thanks for letting me know.
Do not let Rayna
see that woman.
Create a diversion, now. *신경을 딴 데로 돌리게 만들다.
What kind of diversion?
A big one!
♪ Let's enjoy tonight
Like tonight's our last
♪ We can focus on the future
And reflect on the past
♪ We done came so far
I mean, look where we are ♪
50, I love you!
50, I love you!
Kiss me!
Get her!
Take me now!
Turn around.
Get off!
I'm coming in!
Nancy, I got her.
Meet me outside.
Okay. Right.
I'm fine now.
Thank you so much.
I got my wish. That was it.
I've now got to jump
Michael Buble in Croatia.
He wants me.
All right, Cooper.
I've got this under control.
You're coming with me.
Oh, my God, Susan!
Okay, bigger diversion.
Huge diversion.
I gotta know
who she's working for.
Get Rayna out of here!
That's not fair!
Whoa! Whoa!
God damn it!
Nancy, where are you?
Bit indisposed. *(몸이 아프거나 무슨 다른 이유 때문에) …할 수 없는
It turns out 50 Cent
doesn't have a great sense
of humor or irony.
I need backup!
I lost my gun in the club!
We're probably
more alike than you think!
Okay. Okay.
Oh, shit.
Why'd I get rid
of my gloves?
Ow! Motherbutler!
You got a lot of rage
in that jumpsuit.
Get up. Get up!
You are under arrest
by Susan Cooper...
and the government
of the United States.
Rayna, how did you do that?
I didn't.
He did.
Hello, Coop.
FINE: Hey.
Wake up!
Did you have a nice nap?
You were snoring
very loudly.
That's just really
not the most
upsetting news right now.
My father used to
bring people here.
Did he also make you dress
like a slutty dolphin trainer?
He'd starve them...
torture them.
You name it.
But he especially
didn't like it
when people lied to him.
Not that I bought it.
You knew?
Of course I knew.
I told you,
you were better off
in the basement, Coop.
You could have avoided all of this.
And what, Fine?
Now you're a nuclear
black marketer?
A terrorist?
He's just fucking me.
You're a loud kisser.
Excuse me?
You're a loud kisser.
And it's gross
and unappealing.
You look like some
old, toothless woman
sucking the jelly
out of a donut.
Hey, what's it like
sleeping with the man
that killed your father?
Nice try, Coop.
She already knows
it was Cress.
You've probably always
been in love with him,
haven't you?
Talking in his ear...
hoping eventually one day
he'll fall in love with you.
Poor little,
pathetic Susan Coleman.
That's not my last name,
so it's really not much
of a burn, is it? 화상 정도는 아니군요?
Are you thinking "Groupon"?
No, my name's not "Groupon."
Keep going.
That's getting
further from it!
whatever the fuck it is,
let's just call you dead.
Hey, baby?
I thought we were
gonna hang on
to her till tonight.
I changed my mind.
Like I'd waste
a bullet on you.
Put her in the room.
Hey, Aldo.
Hello, captured lady.
I failed.
I failed the mission.
Fine is alive...
and he's a traitor.
Don't be downhearted.
My mama said to me...
life is full of sorrow...
and surprises.
"But, a magnificent
pair of bosoms... * (여자의) 가슴
Good story.
Get away from me.
No, listen.
I haven't got much time.
Why'd you do it, Fine?
This was my only way in.
I had to fake my death
to gain Rayna's trust.
I jammed the signal,
popped out my lens. 내가 신호를 막아서 렌즈가 튀어나왔어.
It was easy.
I hated to do it to you, Coop,
but I had to. I had to.
Rayna knew all about our agents...
because Karen Walker sold her the names.
I just couldn't trust anyone at the agency not to give me away,
not even you.
How do I even know
you're telling me the truth?
Did Karen Walker
try to kill you?
You shot her?
I'm deep undercover.
But not so deep that I can't still protect you.
All right, look me in the eye.
Really look me
in the eye.
One of your eyes is bigger
than the other.
You're perfect,
God damn it.
That hurt.
Good, it was
supposed to.
Is he dangerous?
Only if you have boobs.
So did Rayna
really know I was a spy?
No. Not until you blew
your cover
back at that kitchen.
I really thought she was more
experienced than that.
Thank God she's not, huh?
Because if she was,
you'd be dead now.
I think they're pretty
good covers...
I gotta go.
We're heading to De Luca's
villa to meet with Dudaev.
Then we're taking him
to wherever the bomb is.
This thing is almost over.
Hang tight.
Hello, bound lady.
Not now, Aldo.
I think Mr. Fine has underestimated you.
You found your targets,
you tracked them down,
you fought very hard.
you are a good agent.
You'll get them
next time, huh?
Unless we die here.
Then you will not.
You know what,
I'm not going down like this.
I need you to untie me.
No, you heard Mr. Fine.
He's working a plan.
We have to stay put. *(있던 자리에) 그대로[가만히] 있다
Untie me. Now.
That's my ass.
It is very difficult to see
or gauge my position.
You're just simply
grabbing my ass.
Let's roll to our side.
Oh! Hey!
The knot is very tight,
but I am making progress.
Your hand is way up in there.
My right hand is restrained
from the weight of my body.
Okay. I have idea.
Oh, my God.
Oh, Jesus.
Don't move.
Wait, wait, wait!
Stay still.
No, no, no!
Yes, yes, yes.
Oh, God!
Can't be happening.
Damn it, I was having such an empowering moment before this started. *힘이 되는 순간
My penis
may be gently kissing
the back of your head.
Just untie me
before I crush your nuts.
Oh, please.
If only we had time for such pleasures. 우리가 그런 즐거움을 위한 시간을 가졌더라면 좋았을 텐데.
*…이면 좋을 텐데[…였다면 좋았을 텐데](소망을 나타냄)
Stop licking it!
It is done.
Thank you, Aldo.
I don't wanna know
why my neck is wet...
but you did excellent work.
Turn around,
let me untie you,
and let's get
the fuck out of here.
(SIZZLING) *[형용사] 아주 흥미진진한, 타는 듯이 더운
I need you to alert
CIA and Interpol.
I'm gonna go to De Luca's
and back up Fine.
You know where
the villa is?
I know everything.
One day, lady super spy...
Susan Cooper...
I will fuck you.
♪ The danger is
I'm dangerous
♪ And I might just
tear you apart
I love this new car smell.
Really nice.
(SNIFFS) Oh. Mmm.
♪ I'm gonna get ya
♪ Oh, ah, oh
♪ I wanna taste the way
that you bleed
♪ I'm gonna catch ya
I'm gonna get ya, get ya
♪ Oh, ah, oh
♪ I wanna taste
the way that you bleed ♪
Welcome to Lake Balaton.
I found this staircase
and made them build a house
around it.
Our dear Mr. Dudaev will be
arriving shortly.
You are about to become a very
rich woman, Rayna.
Which means you'll have to be
a little more careful...
about the company you keep.
So many people have such
terrible agendas...
like perhaps your friend here.
I can see his obvious outer
You have terrific eyes.
But he also works for the CIA,
doesn't he?
Mr. De Luca. It's true.
I worked for the CIA, but they
think I'm dead.
You and Karen Walker are both
double agents.
What's going on at the CIA?
Drones taking all the cool assignments?
If we don't get rid of him
right now...
I'm calling off the deal. *[동사] 중지하다, 취소하다
Don't you fucking dare.
Yeah, why don't you listen to
that asshole.
Don't you fucking dare.
You're a bit outnumbered here, 넌 여기선 수적으로 좀 열세지만 *outnumber …보다 수가 더 많다, 수적으로 우세하다
I'm sorry, what the fuck is
your name?
Susan Cooper.
I'm with the CIA.
Jesus. Rayna, did you invite
the entire agency here...
or are they just having a
company retreat... *회사 야유회
at the villa next door?
God, you're funny, huh?
It's just me.
It's gonna be in your best
interest... to keep Fine and me alive. 나랑 파인을 살려놔야 당신한테 좋아.
I'm trying, but I'm not quite
following your logic.
You want me to slow it down
for you? Okay.
You're about to meet with Solsa
a man I've been collecting
intelligence on, for years. *정보를 수집하다[모으다].
And I'm guessing that your
boys here... are too busy manscaping... *남성의 몸에 난 털을 예술적으로 자르고 다듬음
to have told you how he does
Because about half the people
he deals with, end up dead.
I'll tell you another thing.
You know your little girlfriend...
the one from the Paris bombing?
She's just using you to get
to Rayna.
If it hadn't been for me last night...
she would've kidnapped her at the club...
and then you'd be standing here... with your dick in your hand...
because you'd never find that bomb.
So you need me, De Luca.
And I'm not gonna help you,
unless you keep Fine alive.
Now, let me get this straight. *분명히 짚고 넘어가죠.
You work for the CIA...
yet you're willing to help me
sell a nuclear bomb...
in order to save this man's life?
Why would I believe that?
Because she's in love with
Yeah, so what?
This idiot doesn't even know it.
Too dumb to know I'd do anything
for him.
And fuck the CIA, right?
What have they ever done
for me?
Took 10 years of my life,
gave me shitty pay... *[형용사] 엉망진창인, 형편없는
put me in a basement with a
ceiling full of bats...
that pretty sure gave me pinkeye,
or at least an allergy...
Something got fucked up in
my eye.
I would've been out a long
time ago...
if it hadn't been for Fine.
So, yeah, I'll do anything it
takes to keep him alive.
That's pretty pathetic, right?
Extremely pathetic.
God, you're an asshole.
When this is over, I'm gonna
shave that fucking head.
All right, Miss Havisham.
I'll take you up on your offer. *…을 채택하다(=accept, adopt).
But if you try anything, I mean
I'll make your dream come true...
and send you and your boyfriend
to heaven.
Let's go.
Mr. Dudaev.
Welcome to Hungary.
Like Chechnya, only easier to
Enough with the bullshit.
Where is the package?
Once my client sees the payment...
she'll take us all to its very
secure hiding spot.
Wherever that may be.
I got it, handsome.
100,000,000 Euros...doesn't buy what it used to, 1억 유로의 가치가 옛날 같지 않군요. hundred million
does it?
Nice ice, Solsa.
He's all yours.
Gentlemen, if you would follow
me. 절 따라 오시죠.
Here it is.
What is this bullshit?
Solsa, I'll have you know...
It's the nuke.
Clever girl.
A lead-lined compartment. 납처리 해뒀군. *US∙GB [led] lead 납
The lead lining is thick as to mask any radiation detection. *as to ~에 관해 mask 가리다(감추다)
My father was extremely good
at his job.
You could have warned me, Rayna. 나한테 경고할 수도 있었잖아, 레이나
I've been throwing my gym clothes...
on top of that thing, for a week.
It is beautiful.
Yes, it is.
What the fuck are you doing?
Conducting business.
Put it in the helicopter.
And don't forget my diamonds.
What the fuck is going on?
De Luca played you, Rayna.
And you led him right to it.
You didn't expect me to let
him have it, did you?
I mean, it's like giving a
Stradivarius to a hillbilly. *스트라디바리우스 ((이탈리아 사람 A. Stradivari (1644?-1737)가 제작한 바이올린 등의 현악기)) *美 못마땅함 두메산골 촌뜨기
I have a buyer who's willing
to pay me...
500,000,000 Euros for it.
And Dudaev would've never been
able... to get that bomb onto American
My buyer will have it in the
middle of New York City...
and use it, next week.
So, you know...
if you haven't seen Phantom *US∙GB [ ˈfæntəm ]
So, what?
Does this mean you're gonna
kill me too, Sergio?
I'm afraid so.
Sorry, Rayna.
It's just cleaner that way. 그렇게 하면 더 깨끗해질 거야.
You understand.
Explain it to me, De Luca!
He means well.
This day just keeps getting
better and better.
Thanks for the performance,
But sorry, Rayna, show's over.
Holy shit.
Where's De Luca?
Get down!
I should have killed you when
I had the chance.
Under the car!
Push it over! 이리 밀어!
God, use those fucking bird
arms and push it!
What happened?
Did I get him?
De Luca's got the bomb on the
helicopter. Get up!
Oh, fuck me!
I got this.
Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!
Hurry up!
Come on!
Kill her!
I've got this.
I've done this before!
Cooper, you're gonna fuck
this up!
Shut up and help!
Are you kidding me?
Ford, what the hell are you
I'm gonna crawl up you...
and take out De Luca.
Get your hands off my boobs!
I'm saving you!
Oh, my God.
Those do not belong on those! 그건 그런 거에 속하지 않아!
I can't get a good grip.
Your pants are too slippery!
Hang on tight!
I'm gonna swing like I'm on
a trapeze... *(특히 서커스 곡예용) 공중 그네
and leap my way up to the
I told you you was gonna fuck
this up, Cooper!
Holy smokes! *Holy cats[cow, cripes, gee, Gumdrops, mackerel, Moses, smoke(s), snooks, socks, Swiss Cheese]! 속어 에구머니, 어쩌면, 저런, 설마, 이거 참
Ooh, that's high!
God damn it!
Fucking new suit.
This shit ends now!
Oh, my God!
I am not in the fucking mood
for your bullshit!
Then you'll love this!
I am not in the mood for your *…할 기분이 나서
Back up!
Sorry, spy.
Playtime's over.
Yeah, it is.
Say goodbye to your toys!
What are you doing?
Don't you dare! *그러기만 했단 봐!(상대방에게 무엇을 하지 말라고 강력히 하는 말)
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
I just shot a man!
Is it wrong it felt so right?
It's so me!
Heroic lady!
In my country...
there is a saying about women
like you...
"Hot as fuck!"
Oh, God.
Not now, Aldo.
Go, Susan!
That was not part of my plan.
Just like a woman, to wear jewelry into battle.
Although, this is the ugliest...
fucking necklace I've ever seen!
Yes, it is.
And it's all yours...
with an adjustable toggle! *토글(외투 등에 다는 짤막한 막대 모양의 단추)
Here we go.
No problem.
Come on!
All right, I got it.
I got it.
Nice copter!
Where'd you get it?
It's 50 Cent's!
I had to deputize him, to let *대행하다. 임명하다
us use it!
He is so afraid of me!
I'm a motherfucking spy!
Let's go shoot somebody else!
Simmer down, 50 Cent, or I'll *(화·흥분 후에 차츰) 진정하다[화를 가라앉히다]
mount you again.
This day is just getting better
and better!
He wants me!
I think we should land.
I dropped a nuke in the water.
Good job, guys.
Sorry about the lake.
All right, motherfucker, don't
You're gonna get your pictures.
There's enough 50 to go around. *(사람들에게 몫이) 돌아가다
You know I just helped kill a
terrorist, right?
You ever see Kanye do some
shit like that?
He never, never!
Isn't this wonderful?
I was hoping to spend the rest
of my life in jail.
Give me some quality time to
deal with the fact...
that I was sleeping with the
man who killed my father.
Call my lawyer.
Get the Goyard tote from the
I need everything on time...
Do you think I still work
for you?
Fuck you.
I knew you really liked me.
Fuck you, too.
Don't touch my fucking hair!
What are you looking at?
Oh, God, Aldo, don't...
I am too tired to fend off * (칼 끝, 공격 등을) 받아넘기다, 막아내다, 피하다.
your groping. *손으로 더듬는
I understand completely.
Look, my real name is Albert...
Look, I'm sorry if my disguise
was a bit much.
I just like to really get into character.
Although I fear I may have become... over-excited at certain points. 이 되었을까 두렵지만.
Little bit.
By way of apology...
should your work ever bring you 일 때문에 런던에 오게 되면
to London...
I would love to take you for
Yeah, I think that would be nice.
How you like my English accent,
I learn it from the Downton
No, I'm only joking.
Or am I?
Oh, my God.
Great work.
What a job.
Super Cooper.
Really amazing.
Yes, it was.
You really came through. *(약속대로 무엇을) 해내다[완수하다]
Thank you, ma'am.
I'd like to keep you out in
the field for now. *우선은, 현재로는, 당분간은
We need you to fly to Prague
to infiltrate an international *잠입[침투]하다[시키다]
drug-smuggling ring. *마약밀수조직
Here's your new identity.
You in, Cooper?
Agent Susan Cooper, reporting
for duty, ma'am. *( REPDU ) 군사 출근하다
Nobody says or does that, but
Thank you.
Francis Mays is an unemployed
living off her disability *live off …로 살아나가다. *a monthly payment made to someone who has become disabled and is unable to work
Oh, sweet Jesus!
And who wears reading glasses
in their passport photo?
She's only kidding.
She got ya!
Oh, my God!
That was a good one!
Yeah, actually, I'm not.
I don't have a sense of humor.
No, you don't.
We'll talk soon.
Glad the pinkeye is under control.
That was actually an allergy...
Got it.
So, you're a spy now, Coop.
I don't think I'll ever find
as good as you in the basement.
I think you will.
There's a lot of good people,
down there.
So, hey...
I know a great little restaurant
right near here.
Maybe you and I could go for
a nice, long dinner?
You know what...
I'm just kind of feeling like
a girls' night.
You understand, right?
Yeah, sure.
I'll catch you later. 나중에 봐요.
You go have a great time.
Thank you.
Hey, Coop.
All those things you said about
me to De Luca...
Did you mean that? 진심이였어?
You're a lot furrier than I
thought you'd be.
Smell you later, pal.
Glad you're still alive, Beverly...
you silly fucking girly wanker!
Nice work, Cooper.
Is that a compliment?
That's not easy for you to do.
Fuck it.
Look, you did a good job.
Probably just beginner's luck,
There we go.
Where did you get a suit?
I fucking made it, didn't I?
It's nice.
You still out of the CIA?
Probably not.
They need me.
I think I need to spend some
time on my own first, though.
Clear my head.
I'm gonna take this down the
Maybe spend some time in Italy.
Drive it to Greece.
Sometimes a man needs to go
to sea.
Sounds good, Ford.
Good for you.
Take care.
Do you think he knows that's
a lake?
No, I don't.
Let's go.
You can't let anybody see how
sore I am.
I got you.
Come here.
My glutes are really seizing up. *둔근(臀筋) *(신체 부위가) 잘 움직이지 않다[말을 안 듣다]
If you're sore, I'll tell you
Take a hot bath and then we're
gonna celebrate.
I hope you like champagne and
beef jerky.
Well... Oh.
That's a...
You have to!
Because I stole a case of it...
I don't know if I like them
out of 50 Cent's helicopter!
Slower, slower.
Cooper, is this a fucking lake?
How the fuck do I get to Italy?
Ah, stop screaming.
You loved it.
Ugh, God.
출처 :
자막 https://english-subtitles.org/172234-spy.html
Spy subtitles - English-subtitles.org
Spy Spy.WEBRip.Netflix.encc size 78 kb | SRT subtitles | English subtitles (8-06-2021) Ratings: 7 | Runtime: 120 min Genre: Action / Comedy Year: 2015 Starring: Jude Law / Raad Rawi / Melissa McCarthy / Jessica Chaffin
영상 https://youtu.be/Y687qaGJVhU
사전 : Naver